“Distorted Faces”



Wes Naman used this series as his own entertainment and interest, where he wrapped multiple candidates in tape so that various features became more prominent and some less noticeable. Although this wasn’t actually declaring a point of beauty standards, it has now been recognized as a portrait series that helps identify various standards of beauty in a light-hearted way. I was quite interested in this idea of distorting a face to outline this issue of beauty, however, i would rather play around with the clothing and make the theme revolve around garments somehow, instead of beauty in faces. However, i could still do a test shoot for an idea similar to this but maybe using an exaggerated amount of make up that will then become squashed together with the use of tape. If it doesn’t work out for this specific shoot, it could always be used for an advert in my magazine as it still shows very unconventional results that will run within my entire theme.

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