Jeurgen Teller is another example of photography that could be helpful in leading max to the kind of outcome i want. I am really interested in the contrast made from the flash, especially seen in the second and last examples. I also love that there is clearly an unusual / light hearted story behind each picture which is forgotten and over powered by fashion. Although i still want a story to be told through my images, fashion to me needs to remain priority in this specific shoot as it is a key element of the painting which i want to represent. However, Teller’s work is always a useful representation of fashion photography.




As i have asked Max Purvis to photograph my shoot for me, whilst i mainly focus on the styling, i thought it would still be an effective idea to look into photographers who’s style is similar to what i want for my own images. Helen’s images are very dark and eery which is shown through the lighting, locations and styling all together. I feel with my choice of location, lighting needs to be carefully focused on and how i imagine this to respond is for small glimpses of natural light to contrast against everything else – similar to these images. I also want the photographs taken on film and not digital, to really help target the renaissance or a vintage era in the images.



After discussing my ideas with Steph in my tutorial, she told me to really research into the meanings behind the paintings to make my photographs much more conceptual and not so literal. This painting was created for Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco to hang in his bedroom after getting married to his wife. The specific part i wanted to capture in the photography / styling were the three graces – who are the three women dancing on the left of the painting. They represent the feminine virtues of Chastity, Beauty and Love, all of which point to the romantic depiction of the painting. They also have pearls accessorised on their heads which points to the meanings of purity. Also, all dressed in lace and silk, which seems very light and delicate backs this idea of purity up too.