Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid /Podcast Show Quotes April 2024

As we approach the end of April, I want to remind #potentialusers of the many reasons why they should opt for or consider ‘Traditional African Methods of Settling Disputes’ or the ‘Appropriate Dispute Resolution (ADR).’

The Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show April 2024 quotes features a quote from the pioneer director of the Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse, Mrs Anuolu Gade, in (2021) Episode 17: Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse (OYSMDC) as it stands today -Under the Leadership of Mrs Anuolu Gade encapsulates some of these reasons-

‘In Nigeria, litigation can be a frustrating experience that often leaves litigants financially drained. However, the Oyo State Multi-Door Courthouse (OYSMDC) offers a user-friendly ADR mechanism that is quick, inexpensive, and helps build and preserve relationships.

As the Yoruba saying goes, “You do not go to court and come back as friends; you end up as permanent enemies.”

The OYSMDC offers several benefits, including enhancing businesses in the state in a short time. When people bring their cases to the centre, they can expect to resolve their disputes amicably within one or two sessions’- Mrs Anuolu Gade, the Director of the OYSMDC On The EVA Show 2021.

I recommend you listen to the full Podcast with the link below:

#adr #quote #quotes #quotesoftheday #april #multidoorcourthouse #podcast #oysmdc #oyostate #leadership #reform #justice #court #accesstojustice #expertviewsonadrvidpodcastshow #digitaltechnology #technology #diversity #inclusion #equality #equity #marketing #marketingadr #innovation #pedgagogy #highereducation #awareness #education #business #pioneer #multicultural #intercultural #organisation #techjunkie #vousparlezadr #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #nigeria #yoruba #yorubaadage #adage #africa #westafrica #eastafrica #northafrica #asia #europe #northamerica #southamerica #latinamerica #caribbean #world

New Series- Knock Knock: ADR Driving Innovation in the Housing Disputes By Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show

Looking for ways to resolve housing disputes more effectively? You do not want to miss this series! As it explores how ADR can be used to settle such conflicts/disputes.

****It is imperative to state that Dr Chinwe and Alec Chapa collaborated to get this series title.

Stay Tuned!


#podcast #ADR #housing #housingdisputes #accesstojustice #reform #knockknock #tenants #landlords #lease #organisation #highereducation #mortagage #research #innovation #technology #digitaltechnology #diversity #inclusion #equity #researchmethods #pedogagy #marketing #marketingadr #disputeresolution #interviews #awareness #collaboration #education #vousparlezadr #massadvocacyadr #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #asia #usa #argentina #england #wales #nigeria #africa #europe #latinamerica #southamerica #northamerica #westafrica #northafrica #world

#Music credit: vamos Argentina by Sanger Dika #capcut
#video credit: #capcut #tiktok

Creating safe spaces via ADR: How can employees in Belgium Report Discrimination, Harassment And Bullying without fear of losing their jobs with Professor Barney Jordaan

Looking forward to the podcast with Professor Barney on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show. He was a human rights lawyer in South Africa who realised that the law only works for people who can afford to access it. This sparked his interest in negotiation, mediation and other consensus-seeking approaches.

At Vlerick Business School in Belgium, he teaches MBA, Masters, open executive and company-specific programmes. He is the Programme Director of the Masters in General Management programme. He is also the co-founder and chair of the Institute for Negotiation at leading business schools in South Africa. Before joining Vlerick, he held positions as Professor of Law & Professor of Negotiation at leading business Schools- Stellenbosch University & University of Cape Town in South Africa.

Stay tuned!

#adr #podcast #toxicworkplace #workplace #bullying #discrimination #harrassment #employees #awareness #disputeresolution #peace #interview #professor #education #mediation #negotiation #highereducation #organisations #HR #technology #digitaltechnology  #innovation #vlerickbusinessschool #stellenbosch #universityofcapetown #vousparlezadr #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #southafrica #capetown #belgium #europe #africa #northamerica #asia #latinoamerica #southamerica #world

Series 1: Creating Safe Spaces Via ADR: How can Employees in the US Report Discrimination, Harassment & Bullying without fear of losing their Jobs with Tina Patterson

Looking forward to the interview with Tina Patterson on Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid /Podcast Show. She is a Principal at Jade Solutions LLC, a woman-owned, minority-owned small business.

Tina Patterson brings more than 20 years of experience providing consulting services in the areas of proposal management and grants management support, alternative dispute resolution, facilitation and conflict coaching support to a wide range of clients.

She is the co-chair of the American Bar Association (ABA) Section on Dispute Resolution’s Public Disputes and Consensus Building Committee.  In 2021, Tina was elected the CIArb North America Branch Vice Chair of Programs. Her training includes Mediating and Facilitating Environmental and Public Policy Disputes from Pepperdine University, participation in the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) Environmental Public Policy (EPP) Diversity Mentoring Pilot Project, and training from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Ms. Patterson has extensive experience in software development, product management, and proposal development. She has been featured in the Association for Conflict Resolution’s ACResolution magazine for her Alternative Dispute Resolution work as well as in the United Nations Association of United States Interdependent magazine, Rolling Out magazine, the George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership newsletter for her community service work, and the United States Geo-spatial Intelligence Foundation’s Trajectory magazine for her work with Jade Solutions.


Stay Tuned!


#adr #podcast #workplaceconflict #discrimination  #bullying  #harrassment #employees #employers #organisation #highereducation #ombuds #mediation #collaborativelaw #arbitration #restorativejustice #negotiation #conciliation  #disputeresolution #awareness #education #research #vousparlezadr #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #usa #uk #nigeria #africa #northamerica #europe #asia #latinamerica #world #technology #innovation #researchmethods #interview

New Series: Creating Safe Spaces for Employees via ADR #discrimination #bullying #harrassment

Coming Soon!!

How can employees report discrimination, harassment and bullying without fear of losing their jobs?#Creating safe spaces via ADR.

#New Series On Expert Views on ADR (EVA) Vid / Podcast Show


Dr Chinwe Egbunike

Stay Tuned

#adr #podcast #workplaceconflict #employees #employers #organisation #highereducation #tradeunions #research #innovation #technology #tech #researchmethods #disputeresolution #interviews #awareness #education #letsmakeadrgoviral #viral #world