The Adoption of Resolution 500-American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates

On February 5, 2024, during the ABA Mid-Year Meeting held in Louisville, Kentucky, the ABA House of Delegates unanimously approved Resolution 500, which strongly urges the increased use of Early Dispute Resolution (EDR).

Resolution 500 states: “RESOLVED, that The American Bar Association (ABA) urges lawyers and all interested parties to increase the informed and voluntary use of EDR: party-directed, non-adjudicative approaches to resolving disputes in a time-efficient and cost-effective manner, including, but not limited to, direct negotiation, mediation, and ombuds.”

It is imperative to state that the EDR Committee acknowledges the support of former EDR Committee Co-Chair and ABA Dispute Resolution (DR) Section current Council member Mary Cullen and ABA Ombuds Committee Co-Chair Meg Willoughby, who worked with Ellie Vilendrer and Felicia Harris Hoss, the current co-chairs of EDR, in drafting the Resolution and supporting the Report.

Furthermore, they appreciate the current ABA DR Section Chair Ana Sambold, Past DR Section Chairs and current Delegates David Larson and James Alfini, DR Section Director Jennifer Michel, Past DR Section Chair Myra Selby, and Merril Hirsh for their sound guidance and support.

 Finally, the Committee is thrilled to have worked alongside the Resolution’s Co-Sponsors, the ABA Section of State and Local Government and ABA Senior Lawyers Division, and to have earned the support of the following: ABA Business Law Section, ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, ABA Young Lawyers Division, and ABA Section of Government and Public Sector Lawyers.

 Please see the video of the presentations made at the ABA Mid-Year Meeting in support of the Resolution<>

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ABA EDR Committee Co-Chairs 2023-2024, Ellie Vilendrer and Felicia Harris Hoss

ABA <>

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2 thoughts on “The Adoption of Resolution 500-American Bar Association (ABA) House of Delegates

  1. Wow, well done to the American Bar Association for making adr more accessible. Thank you chinwe for bringing this vital information and making adr go viral 😃

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