School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Camera screen recording a woman in a car

Marketing students’ community drug campaign

In 2020 a team of Marketing Management BSc students worked with Sussex Police on a community drug campaign called ‘What’s In Your Pocket’.

Making a positive impact

The campaign highlighted the issues of child exploitation, debt bonding, abuse and coercion that are part of the recreational drug supply chain.

Inspector Steve Hill, who was the Sussex Police project coordinator commented: “As a collective, the Bright Young Things team put together and overseen by the watchful eye of Dan Bennett, has been exceptional. To achieve what they did in the relatively short timescale for delivery was very impressive. The fact the campaign has gained such reach already and the short film produced has been nominated for a number of awards/festivals is testament to that.

“From early on I think all could see the mutual benefit to them as students, and us as a client, to embed legacy to the work for others to continue.”

Preparing you for the workplace

The campaign formally launched just before Christmas 2020 and the Bright Young Things team of students worked to bring a number of campaign elements together. This included working with a local film production company to script, cast, shoot and edit a short film that drew attention to the issues within the recreational drug supply chain.

Students set up and ran all the associated social media, worked on developing a bespoke website for the campaign, liaised with local press and brought on board a number of community partners.

The campaign, film and students’ work were featured on BBC News South East and in local press. The film was shorted listed for several independent film awards winning best editing and sound at the 2021 London Rolling Film Festival.

Behind the scenes photos from the campaign

Camera crew recording a car Man on sofa

UN Sustainable Development Goals

The students’ campaign meets the following UN global goals:

  • Good health and wellbeing – standard three
  • Partnerships for the goals – standard 17

UN global goals: Good health and wellbeing - standard 3 UN global goals: Partnerships for the goals - standard 17


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AACSBBright Young ThingsBYTcommunity drug campaignemployabilitymarketing campaignMarketing Management BScsocietal impactSussex PoliceUN global goalsUN sustainable development goalsWhat's In Your Pocket

Zoe Cassell • April 19, 2023

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