School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Extra winter social activity on Tuesday 29th December 4pm!

Dear all

We hope that you have had a restful few days. We have arranged a third BBS social activity for this winter holiday. It will take place on Tuesday 29th December from 4pm. There are two activities planned (but the main thing is that this is a social catch up).

4.00-4.30: A digital photo book of Christmas; please can you prepare and share some photos that you have for this Christmas. Photos can be anything such as your Christmas tree/flower /plant/ cards/rings/gifts, etc., Christmas food/cookies or recipe, snowman and your own pictures wearing Christmas clothes. So, you can send your pictures in the chat box (in General area) while listening to Jingle Bell Jukebox music. Or you can unmute/turn on your cameras and have a chat with others about your photos/stories for half an hour. The digital photo book will be available online in the following days.

At 4:30 pm we will watch ‘The Polar Express’ movie.


Please join us to have some fun:

MS Teams code: uqvqvxx

Hope to see you there

Best wishes for a happy New Year (when we get there) from all of us at BBS.

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Rachael Carden • December 27, 2020

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