School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

COVID-safe tour for logistics students at Shoreham Port

On 4 November just before the second lockdown some of our Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc students visited Shoreham Port for a COVID-safe tour, accompanied by tutors Peter McCullen, Clare Millington and Despoina Kanellou.

To show the new commercial building at Shoreham Port

New commercial building at Shoreham Port

Engineering Manager Brian Rousell started the tour showing a recently completed commercial building. He explained that there are three main income sources: Harbour Fees, Port Operations (cargo handling) and Rent  from property.

The visit also included a tour of the many locks within the port where students saw the quay for unloading timber and the open timber warehouse.

wind turbines

Rampion Wind Farm turbines at Shoreham Port

The tour also included a visit to the strip of land between the sea and Southern quays, where Brian pointed out the harbour entrance and wind turbines, which generate enough electricity to power the pumps that maintain the water level in the canal.

Also on the Southern Quay the students saw the grain terminal which is used to store and export Sussex grain to mainland Europe.

The visit also included seeing the Parker Steel gantry crane system, the oil terminal for petroleum products and witnessing a trawler come into and dock in the port via the Prince Philip Lock.

Brian told students that of all the products coming into the port the highest value product passing through is fish, currently scallops, caught in French waters, by Scottish trawlers, and exported to mainland Europe.

Many thanks to Brian Rousell and Emily Kenneally of Shoreham Port for arranging a great trip for students on the International Logistics and Finance Module.

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Clare Prust • December 11, 2020

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