School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Black and in Business

Black in Business: Brighton Open Podcast

Brighton Business School alumni, Marvin Okai and Denzil Lawrence, are back talking to us through a new podcast series; BOP (Brighton Open Podcast) about their journey to becoming Chartered Accountants and why they developed their blog Black and in Business to share their experience.

Denzil and Marvin “discuss topics relating to our university experiences and discuss our early stages of our finance career. This is part of a series where we intend to help ethnic minority students improve their universities lives – and are hoping to provide insight and humour that can help you and others.”

In this first episode, they introduce the podcast series – watch out over the coming weeks for the next episodes where Denzil and Marvin talk openly about what influenced them to go to university, why they went to uni, and their highs and lows at university.

You can read more from Denzil and Marvin on their blog: Black in Business. If you want to get involved in their blog, you can contact Denzil and Marvin via their blog – where you’ll also find all their social media details.

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Clare Prust • October 13, 2020

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  1. Rachael Carden October 15, 2020 - 7:35 am Reply

    We have really enjoyed working with Denzil and Marvyn on these podcasts. Please listen and get back to us ( or with any feedback about these or suggestions for future podcasts.

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