School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.


Connecting with industry at the UoB Connect: Be More event

UoB Connect activities at the AMEXWhat do you want to do after graduation? Go straight into job applications or perhaps further studies? Some of you might want to leave thinking about it until the exams are over. But for those who want to get things sorted before graduation, now might be the best time.  February should be a relaxing month as most of the coursework was handed in during January.  The UoB Connect: Be More event held at the AMEX Stadium puts students together with industry and helps everyone to start thinking about the future beyond university and attending was probably one of the best decisions that I could have made this year.

Alumni Denzil and Marvin from Black and in Business attended the event

Alumni and representatives from industry attended the event to speak to students.

Talking to alumni and listening to their experiences has widened my thinking framework. Denzil and Marvin, alumni and bloggers of Black and In Business were there to share insights into their own personal career pathways. Sully from Brandwatch, Graham from UEA (University of East Anglia), Matthew from Merranti Group, Molly from Enterprise Car and Alison from the Ministry of Justice UK – these smart and successful individuals were there and willing to sit down and talk to every one of us.

Be Resilient!! That’s the most important thing that I learnt throughout the day. Everyone gets rejected from job applications. Finding a job straight after university is difficult but don’t let this get you down, especially for those who need visa sponsorship. For example, I’ve applied for more than 100+ jobs since October, yet I still haven’t managed to find one.  But I’m sure the best is yet to come and sometimes we just need a little bit of faith in ourselves.

BBS BeePurple

BeePurple is the university’s entrepreneurship support service helps students and graduates who want to start up their own business.


Read Gamification Plus’ article here.

Thank you so much to all who organised and helped in the event.
#brightonworks #brightonachieves #brightbbs #networking #alumni. Together, we can Be More!!

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Tsun Lam • February 20, 2020

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  1. Ryan Bond March 2, 2020 - 11:48 am Reply


    As an ex student of Brighton Business School I have been lucky enough to build a career in London where I have risen to the CEO within a multinational insurance broker. I am keen to give back to the University and am sending this note to enquire about ways I can do that. Please feel free to contact me on the below to discuss further should this be of interest.

    Ryan Bond

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