School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Rebecca Railton

Life after graduating with a Law LLB – Rebecca Railton

Rebecca Railton graduated with Law with Business LLB(Hons) in 2015. Rebecca’s now working as an Airport IT Contract Manager for Amadeus IT Group, based in Madrid. We asked Rebecca to tell us how she got her role and pass on any tips to current students.

Rebecca Railton

Rebecca Railton graduated with a Law in Business LLB (Hons) in 2015

“In 2015 I graduated from Brighton University in LLB Law with Business. I knew I wanted to pursue a career in law and aimed to qualify as a solicitor but I did not know when or how I wanted to do this. In the April before graduating, I began looking for paralegal roles and training contracts. From having an English law degree I had not explored the idea of working in another country however, I was told about an internship going in a company called Amadeus IT Group, in Madrid, so I applied.”

“After being offered the position, I started working at Amadeus on 7th January 2016 in the legal department, specialising in Data Protection. I initially wanted to stay for 1 year to gain experience and to learn Spanish but as the months went by, I enjoyed the international environment and work life balance that Amadeus offered so, I decided to stay.”

“In July 2017, I started to explore new options and I was offered a new role as a Contract Manager and an in-house training contract. As I worked in Data Protection for 2 years I was able to backtrack my training 6 months which was very helpful. I am now working towards my seats in M&A and Commercial and due to finish my Training Contract in July 2019.”

Favourite parts of working at Amadeus:

  • Multinational environment
  • Travel opportunities
  • Learning a new language

Main role as a Privacy Specialist:

  • Preparing for and assessing the impact of the new General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Organising International Privacy Day
  • Drafting and updating internal and external Privacy and Cookie Policies.
  • Drafting Model Clauses to legalise the international transfer of data.
  • Managing authority requests for passenger information.
  • Data mapping and documenting processes.

Main role as a Contract Manager:

  • Fulfilling Post contractual obligations
  • Drafting Contract Changes and Services Agreements
  • Completing Risk Score Cards
  • Contract Summaries
  • Keeping track of expiring contracts

Tips for law students:

  • Networking, don’t be afraid to ask for internships/advise
  • Be persistent, the legal profession is in high demand so don’t be too disheartened when you get rejected for that job or training contract
  • Go outside your comfort zone, consider applying for jobs in other countries
  • Apply for areas of law that interest you, it’s easier to come across passionate when you have a genuine interest
  • Research the company/law firm you are applying for in detail.

Careers in Amadeus

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Clare Prust • March 28, 2018

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