School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Guest talk today from co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of SkinNinja

At 1pm today we are welcoming alumni, Charlotte Morris, who will be speaking to our students about how her degree set the foundations for her career.

Charlotte graduated from the BA(Hons) Retail Marketing degree programme (Eastbourne Campus) in 2006 and over the last 12 years has held a number of senior marketing roles including Direct Marketing Manager for Chubb Insurance (New Zealand), Client Services Manager for eBay Enterprises (UK), Global CRM Manager at Skype (UK) and Northern Europe Marketing Manager for Babbel (Germany). 

In June 2017 she returned to the UK to set up her own London-based consultancy specialising in supporting and developing new start-up businesses whilst at the same time becoming Co-Founder and Chief Marketing Officer for SkinNinja, the UK’s fastest growing app for skin and personal care products. 

She is a passionate advocate for change and innovation in marketing and recently hosted a podcast on the future of marketing, and was the author of an eConsultancy opinion piece on the battle between short-term measurement vs long-term brand building. 

For somebody who ‘didn’t do numbers’ as an undergraduate, she has forged a fantastic and high-profile career around analysing business problems, watching trends and turning insights into actions.

In a one hour guest lecture hosted by the Marketing Society at the Brighton Business School, Charlotte will be giving an overview of her career, discussing the wrestle in marketing between the transparency of numbers vs creativity and offering some advice for aspiring marketing professionals, and why the future of marketing remains well and truly open for debate. 

Charlotte’s Linked In profile can be found at:

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Clare Prust • February 14, 2018

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