School of Business and Law

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University of Brighton lecturers enact performance management at AoMO conference

Dr Jenny Knight, Senior Lecturer Human Resource Management

Dr Jenny Knight, Senior Lecturer Human Resource Management

Dr Jenny Knight, Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management at the University of Brighton and Paul Levy, Senior Researcher from the university’s research group, CENTRIM, presented on the impact of appraisal at the biennial Art of Management and Organization (AoMO) conference on 1-4 September. 

The AoMo conference is unique – bringing together scholars, researchers, artists and practitioners together to share knowledge and debate about management and organisational behaviour but with an arts twist; papers are presented through performances and art exhibitions.

Jenny, who lectures on organisational behaviour and leadership at Brighton Business School, performed a poem that dealt with the experience of the appraisal interview from the perspective of a manager and a staff member.

Jenny’s poem, ‘Appraisal of Power – the dread of Appraisal’ draws upon Steven Berkoff’s theatrical approach and his commitment to the use of rhythm, repetition and silence to explore the power of dynamics, the unspoken agendas, prejudices, thoughts and desires of both parties and the personal impact of such an interaction piece.

Paul Levy, Senior Researcher from Brighton Business School’s Centre for Research in Innovation Management (CENTRIM) also conducted a theatre experiment at the conference, using actors to play out an appraisal scenario over Skype to highlight the use of digital technology in the increasingly virtual team environment.

At the conference it was also announced that the University of Brighton’s business school would be hosting the 2018 conference. Details of the conference – which promotes itself as “a different way of thinking, feeling and doing!” can be found here.

Dr Jenny Knight, Senior Lecturer, said: “I have presented at this conference three times and each time have found the conference unique and inspirational. The creative ways used to explore organisational life are so impressive and those who take part are innovative and prepared to take risks in order to further understand the experience of working life.

“I’m proud that University of Brighton’s Business School will be hosting this conference in 2018, with the theme of ‘Performance’. I know that we can deliver something vibrant, exciting and creative!”

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Clare Prust • September 4, 2016

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