School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Sussex v Brighton Annual Moot 2018

By Law LLB students, Anna Davis and Ranya Alshaiba

The Annual Sussex v Brighton Mooting Challenge was held at Brighton University’s Huxley Building on the 26thNovember, sponsored by Howlett Clarke. Alison Bernard and Mitchell (Mitch) Howes represented Brighton.

Alison and Mitch putting across their case

2018 Mooting Competition Judging panel

Mooting Competition Judging panel

The moot problem was an appeal to the Supreme Court concerning the behaviour of a couple after their wedding was called off. The grounds of appeal were firstly whether there was any sufficient nexus between the incidents. Secondly, cross appealing a matter of law, that R v Curtis was wrongly decided so there is no requirement to prove harassment for a section 4(1) offence to be made out.

We were all pleased to see the excellent turn out and support for the students’ mooting, as well as all the second year law students coming to get an insight and experience what a moot is really like.

The mooters were outstanding, a real inspiration for those watching. They spoke eloquently, confidently and with real conviction. Dealing with the judges’ questions incredibly well, they were a great example for the students watching. There was an opportunity for networking with the judges and mooters after the event. We also had the chance to speak to Alison who gave us some great tips  for tackling our moot assignment this year.

mooting competition participants

It was a very close decision but the trophy went to Sussex. However, many feel it was Brighton that gave a win-worthy performance.

We would like to thank the judges and everyone that attended the moot. Another massive congratulations to Alison and Mitch, you did Brighton proud!


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Anna Davis • January 28, 2019

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