We know our students have diverse talents and strengths and we design your learning experience with that in mind.
One way we achieve this is by continually reviewing and refreshing the content of courses and the way that we deliver learning to keep it fresh and relevant.
As a result, we are making further enhancements to all of our undergraduate degree courses to:
- Change from 10 to 20 credit modules to help students develop more in-depth knowledge.
- Provide choice for students in how they are assessed to support their learning style.
- Embed employability skills and project learning to help build and develop students’ confidence.
Based on your feedback, we have made the following improvements:
- Class and timetable schedulingYou highlighted experience of poor scheduling of classes and confusing timetables – we are working with the timetabling team to improve the shape of your timetable. You have a personalised online schedule, with classes arranged to facilitate better student engagement.
- The learning communitySome of you believe more could be done to feel more part of a course and the learning community. To improve this, we will be arranging face-to-face events by course and subject, and have restructured electronic platforms. We believe you’ll experience greater course-specific support, which will invigorate your wider learning experience.
- Academic supportWe are strengthening the personal academic tutoring system to improve the support we are giving you throughout your course. Three times a year, personal academic tutorials will be scheduled for you at each level of study.
- Assessment expectationsWe have introduced a new system to make sure assignment briefs are clear and provide sufficient detail so you understand what is expected of you. This includes explicit marking criteria in relation to learning outcomes.