School of Humanities

  • Students in a seminar group

  • Students presenting group work in a seminar room

  • Two students in a seminar group

We know our students have diverse talents and strengths and we design your learning experience with that in mind.

One way we achieve this is by continually reviewing and refreshing the content of courses and the way that we deliver learning to keep it fresh and relevant.

We have made enhancements to our undergraduate courses to:

  • Give students the option of choosing their assessment method in at least one module per year.
  • Increase innovation in the way that teaching and learning takes place.
  • Ensure that the learning experience reflects inclusivity and diversity and gives students a fresh perspective.

This is in addition to improving digital print services at Grand Parade and the creation of a specialised print room.

Based on your feedback, we have made the following improvements:

  • Costs of studying
    We’re looking for ways to reduce your costs. For example, through digital assessment submission, subsidising field trips and printing course readers.
  • Subject specific careers advice
    We’re organising more visits from professionals in the field to help give you an insight into potential future careers.
  • Tutor advice
    You wanted better advice on study choices, we’re encouraging all students to seek guidance from your Personal Academic Tutor when you need it. Details can be found on StudentCentral.