School of Education

  • Two PGCE Design and Technology students working on a creative project

  • A student in a Primary School teaching placement

  • School of Education seminar

We know our students have diverse talents and strengths and we design your learning experience with that in mind.

One way we achieve this is by continually reviewing and refreshing the content of courses and the way that we deliver learning to keep it fresh and relevant.

We have made enhancements to our undergraduate courses to:

  • Give students some choice on how they are assessed.
  • Consolidate modules to allow a more in-depth study of each topic.
  • Build in assessment and feedback points to better support learning.
  • Introduce students to research methodologies earlier in some courses.

Based on your feedback, we have made the following improvements:

  1. Aspire lists
    The School of Education has worked with colleagues in the Falmer library to create Aspire lists for all undergraduate modules for 2018/19. This allows students to access online books and resources for all modules.
  2. Difficulty finding popular books in the library
    If you’re having issues finding a particular book, Falmer library colleagues encourage you to let them know if a title is low in stock or unavailable. They’ll pass this information on, and present suggestions for new books which students will find useful. We’re confident this will result in popular books being available consistently.
  3. Module feedback
    You asked for quicker feedback on modules. To assist colleagues meeting the University’s 20 day feedback target, programme assistants will support programme teams, so that any potential issues with delivering feedback are identified and communicated earlier. We are confident this will ensure greater consistency in the speedy return of feedback.