We know you have diverse talents and strengths and we design your learning experience with that in mind.
One way we achieve this is by continually reviewing and refreshing the content of courses and the way that we deliver learning to keep it current and relevant.
We have made enhancements to our undergraduate courses to:
- Include choice of assessment tasks in some modules
- Align essay length to module size.
- Combine modules and reduce the total number of assessment points.
- Provide a balance of different types of learning opportunities.
- Enhance the combination of different learning activities and assessments.
This is in addition to the recent refurbishment of our Visual Communications studios, the redecoration of the Fashion corridor, the improvement of digital print services and creating of a specialised print room, and the installation of new audio-visual equipment in the Sallis Benney Theatre to make it a better teaching space.
We are also planning to refurbish the Fashion Communications studios.
Based on your feedback, we have made the following improvements:
- Update of Graphics and Illustration studios and learning resourcesA request was made by students to enhance the studio environment and digital learning resources – Graphics and Illustration staff and students together redesigned the studios incorporating new equipment and flexible learning areas. This was made possible by significant financial support from the Modern Spaces Programme.
- Learning communityThe School of Art would like students to feel a strong sense of belonging to its supportive, encouraging and curious learning community. We have developed a strong student voice on all committees and listen carefully to student opinions of how to improve their experience with us.
- Improving digital printing facilitiesThe standard of digital printing facilities was highlighted by students as needing a little updating and expanding – in response we’ve invested in new digital equipment and created a specialised room for digital printing facilities.