Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES)

The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is the only UK higher education survey to gain insight from postgraduate research students about their learning and supervision experience. The survey provides a key opportunity for us to gather feedback and opinions that help us to make positive improvements across Brighton Doctoral College, as well as the university as a whole.
Throughout the survey you will have the opportunity to comment on your experiences of supervision, resources, research community and development as a postgraduate research student.
The PRES launches in March and runs until May 2018. It will be available to complete online, and run internally from the Strategic Planning and Projects Office using Bristol Online Surveys. You will be sent a link to the survey via emails asking you to take part in the survey.
Participation in the PRES is voluntary so, if for some reason you do not wish to take part, you can opt-out of the survey. However, we would strongly encourage you to complete the survey as it provides an opportunity to tell us where you would like to see change.
We use the contact details supplied to us by the University of Brighton.
We use your feedback to make positive improvements within Schools, Colleges, and across the university as a whole. It also provides an opportunity to celebrate the things that we are doing well and share this with you. You can read more about some of the changes we have made on this website.

This year, your feedback is helping to support the Global Opportunities Scholarship Fund. For every response received, the Brighton Doctoral College will donate 50p to the fund and, if our 65% target response rate is met, the total donation will be doubled.

If you have any queries about the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey, please contact the Student Surveys team at