Better awareness of the Careers Service

We are continually working to improve the visibility and accessibility of careers and employability to prospective and current students.
You will now find more information on careers and employability within all Student Centres and the Placements Team has moved from Manor House to Cockcroft for easier accessibility.

There is also a new careers website to reflect the look and feel of the University website, and you will now find basic careers information with links to the new website within module areas on studentcentral.

One-to-one appointments

If you need help with your CV, an upcoming interview, or using the online vacancy service, we can help.

You don’t need to join a queue like with many careers centres, as the Careers Service always offer dedicated appointment times for one to ones. Waiting time is never more than few days, and you can contact us for an appointment by phone, email or in person.

We also provide a follow up service after all appointments, to ensure that you don’t need any further help or advice.

More employer events on campus

We have increased the amount of subject related careers fairs and employer forums across the University in the last 6 years. We also have one of the biggest university Careers Fairs in the UK.

In the last three years, we have run mock assessment centres with graduate recruiters to give you insight into graduate application processes.

We look to try and combine employer talks with lectures at times that are more convenient for you to attend, to help you get more industry insight from your studies.

Employability in your curriculum

The Careers Service and Student Services met all School management teams in Spring 2017 to encourage them to include more employability provision within the curriculum.

Every course curriculum now has a stronger focus on employability, giving you the real life skills and experience to use after your time here.

We also offer an employability skills matrix to all first year students in the second semester through either 1:1 interviews or via Tutors and Careers Development Advisors.  This will help you to identify your current transferable skills, as well as any skill gaps.

In February 2018, we will encourage tutors to share the Careers Planning Agreement for your course with you. This shows how employability is built into your course, including experience of work, personal and skills development, reflection and careers planning as well as engagement with potential employers.

We will continue to inspire and encourage you with the use of more cases studies and scenarios of our alumni and their chosen career paths. You can read some of these stories on the Careers Blog.