You asked for the scanning room to be open for longer. We have now ensured that it is open all hours, so that you can work at a time that suits your learning needs.
Accessing the scanner room
You asked for the scanning room to be open for longer. We have now ensured that it is open all hours, so that you can work at a time that suits your learning needs.
You said that some of your lessons are wide spread across the week. As a result of your feedback, we have introduced an additional formal, midweek session on Wednesday mornings.
Some of you asked for more workshops led by technical demonstrators. We have now increased the number of skills based workshops on certain courses, to provide you with more hands-on experience.
Some of you have said you find it hard to balance your university workload and your job.
We introduced a session in Welcome Week and at the end of the year with your Student Support Guidance Tutor to advise on managing a work/life balance.