You had concerns about how individual work is assessed in group scenarios – we’re making sure contributions made are identified in assessment briefs and communicating the benefits of group work.
Author Archives: Robin Coleman
Support sessions for students
We’ve introduced support for students provided by students – which we believe benefits those both receiving and delivering advice. These include PiShop, Engineering PiShop and PASS.
Availability of software
Specialist software has been made available in shared spaces so students have an ability to work where they feel most comfortable.
Sense of belonging
To increase the feeling students ‘belong’ at the University, we’re developing learning communities in our learning spaces, increased access to specialist areas, have increased our branding and brought in vending machines.
St Peters Library
We acknowledged concerns about overcrowding and temperatures, and have refurbished the library with new cooling facilities and fresh furniture to create a better study space.
Opening hours of print services at Grand Parade
We’ve extended our opening hours in the peak periods, allowing you to print work at times you need the facilities most.
Teaching rooms
We’re working to improve the standard and infrastructure in our teaching rooms, and this is being helped by investment from the Modern Spaces Programme. We’re also asking for feedback via the “rate this room” survey, which can be accessed through a QR code. This enables us to target areas which require improvement most.
See all campus improvements:
Costs of studying
We’re looking for ways to reduce your costs. For example, through digital assessment submission, subsidising field trips and printing course readers.
Subject specific careers advice
We’re organising more visits from professionals in the field to help give you an insight into potential future careers.