We know our students have diverse talents and strengths and we design your learning experience with that in mind.
One way we achieve this is by continually reviewing and refreshing the content of courses and the way that we deliver learning to keep it fresh and relevant.
As a result, we are making further enhancements to all of our undergraduate degree courses to:
- Allow students to complete an activity and receive feedback from their tutor before submitting their final piece.
- Give students some flexibility over how they are assessed according to their strengths or preferred learning style.
- Introduce optional research modules alongside optional taught modules.
- Increase the amount of contact time with tutors.
- Introduce a new Enterprise Project and Skills module on some courses.
- A pilot is taking place on a new Learning Analytics dashboard for students.
This is in addition to improving the appearance of the current Business School in Mithras House.
Based on your feedback, we have made the following improvements:
- Seminars cancelled due to absent tutorZero tolerance to cancelled lectures, where a tutor is unable to deliver a lecture at the timetabled time it will be rescheduled as soon as possible and students informed of the revised date within 2 working days of the cancelation.
- Accessibility of lecturers and tutorsYou wanted increased availability to speak to tutors and lecturers – we’ve extended office hours to provide enhanced academic support to students. Students are also able to contact their Personal Academic Tutors and arrange tutorials with them.
- Module improvementsModules which have been flagged up by students as requiring development will be reviewed, following a process to involve discussion between module leaders and their deputies.