
Version 0.7 (Bleeding edge)

If you feel sufficiently brave, you can download the latest development snapshot of VI-Suite v0.7 from the master github repository The usual, potential cat killing, caveats apply.

Version 0.7 (Blender 4.2)

A beta version of VI-Suite 0.7 for Blender version 4.2 can be found at the following link

Version 0.7 (Blender 4.1)

A beta version of VI-Suite 0.7 for Blender version 4.1 can be found at the following link

Version 0.7 (Blender 4.0)

A beta version of VI-Suite 0.7 for Blender version 4.0 can be found at the following link

Version 0.7 (Blender 3.6)

A beta version of VI-Suite 0.7 for Blender version 3.6 can be found at the following link

Version 0.6.1 (Blender 2.93)

VI-Suite v0.6.1 is available in beta form from the github link

Version 0.6 (Blender 2.83)

VI-Suite v0.6 is available in beta form from the github link This zip file can be installed directly as an Addon in Blender by using the ‘Install’ button in Blender’s Addon preferences window.


Version 0.4 (Blender 2.79)

For convenience 64bit Windows and OS X versions of Blender with version 0.4 of the VI-Suite included are available below. Only Windows 7 and OSX 10.10 have been tested although other OS versions may work. The VI-Suite folder within the zip file can be placed anywhere on your system but avoid a destination with spaces in the directory path. Blender can then be launched from within the folder.

Blender Windows 64bit


Please note that modern versions of OS X do not allow by default the running of applications from unregistered developers. Trying to the run the modified VI-Suite Blender App may result in OS X telling you the application is broken. If this occurs you will have to temporarily turn down the security policy on your version of OS X.

Blender OS X 64bit


A zip file containing just the VI-Suite for Linux 64bit platforms can be found below. This Linux zip file contains the VI-Suite Python scripts and the Radiance/EnergyPlus Linux executables.  The Linux version is installed in a similar manner to a regular Blender addon and the folder within the zip file can either be placed in your Blender installation’s addon directory or the zip file selected with the Install-addon-from-file button in Blender’s User Preferences Addon section. The Python installation seen by Blender should contain all the required additional libraries such as matplotlib, pyqt5, kivy and psutil.

VI-Suite Linux 64bit


Source code is hosted on github. The v0.4 branch, which will now only receive bug fixes and minor new features can be checked out from

The v0.5 branch which contains bleeding edge changes can be found at