Various Marbling Techniques

I have sifted through the multitude of marbling videos on the internet and found the following which I think all have some merit to them.

There are many different techniques and materials you can try depending on how much time you have and what resources you have at home or want to invest in.

The minimum stuff you will need is : a tray for holding water, paper to fit the tray (just start with copy paper), some inks (experiment with what you have) brushes, droppers, cocktail sticks, newspaper, soapy water.

After a while you may want to invest in : alum to treat the paper with (helps the ink to stick to the paper, supplier), carrageenan moss (supplier) or wallpaper paste to thicken the water base (gives more control to the patterns), ox gall (some info about ox gall), marbling inks and fancy paper.

The video links will open in Youtube and are in no particular order.


This technique is very simple and just uses water as a base. In hard water areas like Brighton you may have to collect rain water or use distilled water. Try soapy water instead of photoflo or ox gall. (To make soapy water, just add a few drops of washing up liquid to a cup of water.)    (10 mins) beginners   (20 mins long)     (25 mins)

The last one is good for troubleshooting and explaining materials 

Marbling with Nail Polish:             5 mins

Marbling with Shaving Foam:   12mins

(demo’s teaching young children) 

Marbling with Oil Paint:

Marbling with Acrylic Paint:

Quality Marbling Demo:   2.5 mins

Pebeo Marbling inks, alum and carrageenan size:  6mins

Corn Starch and Acrylic Inks: 13 mins

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