Biggest ever university strikes set to hit UK campuses over pay, conditions & pensions
(For further local information, click here) Over 70,000 university staff at 150 universities will strike for three days later this month over attacks on pay, working conditions and pensions....
UCU Rising Ballot Opens with a Bang
The UCU Rising ballot opened with a bang yesterday At the Brighton ballot launch we had speakers from other trade unions including CWU, Acorn, GMB and Brighton and Hove Trades...
UCU Rising ballot launch
You are invited to join our launch events for the UCU Rising campaign on Tuesday 6 September UCU meeting: Tuesday 6 September 1-2pm. Hybrid: on Zoom (register now) and in...
Victory in our Marking and Assessment Boycott
Congratulations to everyone involved! The heroic efforts of our members led to a very important victory. We have secured commitments from the University that will allow us to tackle...
Marking and Assessment Boycott
University managers continue to refuse to make serious offers to address inequalities, casualisation, excessive workloads and pay cuts. Faced with employers’ intransigence, UCU members have voted to undertake a...
Strike Fund
Weʼre raising money to help support University of Brighton UCU members in financial difficulty as a result of industrial action in 2021-22 Management at the University of Brighton are...
Strike Monday 28 March to Friday 1 April
Inflation surges – this is getting ridiculous Inflation today reached 8.2% (on the RPI figure which is more realistic than the 6.2% CPI figure). The highest level of inflation for 30 years...
Brighton UCU Members’ Meeting, 16 March 2022
The following motions were passed: Congress Motion on Anti-trade union laws Congress believes The Tories anti-trade union laws are designed to prevent workers taking effective industrial action. Despite the...
Brighton UCU Members’ Meeting, 16 February 2022
MOTIONS 1: Creation of GTAs Brighton UCU notes The University’s proposal to turn PGRs who teach into GTAs at Grade 6. The lowest grade for lecturing at UoB is Grade...
Preparing for Strike Action
Preparing for strike action Our next strike action in the Four Fights dispute is on Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd February. This will be followed up with strikes on...