Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

A compilation of screenshots from teh new My Brighton student intranet August 2024

A bigger, better My Brighton now live

My Brighton is now bigger and better with the addition of nearly 150 web pages ready for the new academic year. Featuring pages on accommodation, Careers, Doctoral College, Learning resources, cafés.

My Brighton is changing

Get ready for the My Brighton upgrade

The new version of My Brighton, the University of Brighton’s online student portal will launch on Thursday 16 May. Make sure you’re ready for the big switchover. You’ll still get access to all the same services like your uni email, timetable and My Studies. Plus, there’ll be a few extras. Over the summer break, we’ll add…

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Your voice shapes our university graphic with people surrounded by icons and speech bubbles

My Brighton improvements coming 5 May 2023

We’re pleased to announce that the university app, My Brighton will undergo some minor changes based on your feedback, which we’ve collected since February. We thank all students who took time to share their thoughts with us: “Your Voice Shapes Our University.” Your feedback told us that some services were not easy to find on…

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New and improved My Brighton coming soon

Upgrade the My Brighton app, 13 February for big improvements

We are pleased to announce that the new and improved version of My Brighton will be released 13 February with a completely new look and added features.

My Brighton desktop screenshot

My Brighton timetable and calendar issues now resolved

If you’re still experiencing issues with your timetable where you still see previous course events then simply close your mobile app or browser for where you normally use My Brighton.

Question amrk lightbox

Starting uni – our most asked questions answered!

Here’s a number of frequently asked questions we’ve received via our Student Ambassadors that we hope will help others. We’ll keep growing this list and maybe in the comments you can suggest your own. Here we go!

My Brighton app coming soon

New and improved My Brighton app coming soon

We’re really excited to announce that our new and improved version of My Brighton will be launching early October. Watch this space for when it goes live.

My Brighton screenshot - If you test positive for COVID-19

What to do if you think you have COVID-19 symptoms

If you develop symptoms or have a positive test result, there are some simple steps to take to make sure we can look after you and our university community. You must self-isolate.

Screenshot of My Brightonhome screen on a desktop

Introducing our new My Brighton app for student life

My Brighton is our new student portal. It brings together your email, calendar and timetable, study modules and lots more – all in one place.

Students in class

Access your timetable

2020/21 update: Acesss your timetable via the My Brighton app. See our blog post ‘Introducing our new My Brighton app for student life’