What to do if you think you have COVID-19 symptoms
If you develop symptoms or have a positive test result, there are some simple steps to take to make sure we can look after you and our university community. You must self-isolate. Please read this information now to ensure that you understand the process to follow because it is important that we are notified so that we can support you.
Please note that if you test positive for COVID-19, you must also report your COVID-19 test directly to us using the My Brighton portal’s dedicated tile, as pictured below. Letting us know will enable us to support you and to work with our local Health Protection Team. If you haven’t already done so when you first developed symptoms, then call our helpdesk on 01273 642222 too, so we can find out when and where you’ve been on campus.
See the latest NHS guidance and download the NHS COVID-19 app
Have you changed your mobile phone number or address recently?
Please notify us if you have changed your mobile phone number or address recently. This is important so that we can contact you in the event of an emergency, and includes us being able to send a text message to UK mobile phones (message will appear from ‘Uni Brighton’).
Please check that your personal record is up-to-date. You can do this via the My Brighton app or direct through our Student View online service.
Are you registered with a GP?
You must register any new contact details with a local or university doctor’s surgery as soon as possible, to avoid future delays in any treatment. All registrations must be made online.
Find out more information on how to register with a local or university doctor’s surgery, read our health advice about mumps, measles and meningitis, and make sure your vaccinations are up-to-date including the MEN ACWY vaccine for 18-25 year olds.
Our Wellbeing webpages explain a range of services that are available to support you during your time with us.