Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

World Mental Health Day 2022

World Mental Health Day 10 October 2022

World Mental Health Day on 10 October, is an international day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy against social stigma.

We want to take the opportunity to highlight the resources and services here to support your wellbeing all year round.

We understand that everyone’s journey to university and personal circumstances will be unique. Whatever your situation, there is additional support available every step of the way.

Your Student Support and Guidance Tutor

The university’s Student Wellbeing Service provides a range of support services and is available to all students. Your School’s Student Support and Guidance Tutor (SSGT) is a useful source of support: they can help with all sorts of issues that might be impacting on your wellbeing. Find out who your SSGT is and how to contact them.

Free online support 24/7 with Togetherall

Togetherall - free mental health service

Students can also access free online support with Togetherall, a 24/7 online community and professional support from trained counsellors. Whether you’re struggling to sleep, feeling low, stressed or unable to cope, Togetherall can help you get support, take control and feel better.

Self-help guides and external resources

If you don’t feel like talking to someone, our expert teams have put together some self-help guides centred around a wide range of feelings and situations. Our self-help guides provide reassurance and share lots of practical advice on things you can do to feel better. Our team have also gathered a range of external expert services offering support with range of different needs.

Financial wellbeing

Your financial wellbeing is incredibly important to us and we know the challenges posed by cost of living. We have a range of support in place, and the Student Advice Service can help you make the most of your money during your time here.

Support in halls

If you live in halls, you may find it helpful to speak to a member of staff in our Residential Wellbeing Team. They are here to support your transition to university life and communal living in halls.

financial supporthelpLGBTQmental healthself-helpssgtsupportwellbeing

Robin Coleman • 7 October 2022

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