Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

Graduates throwing mortar board caps in the air

Graduation ceremony support package

Calling all graduands, If you are due to attend the February 2022 ceremonies and you are struggling to afford the additional cost of attending the ceremony, we can offer the the following package of support to a limited number of applicants: free gown and cap hire two free guest tickets basic photography package. Priority will…

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Support for students who need help with their finances

We know that adjusting to student life can be a real challenge for many students, especially for those having to manage a tight budget for the first time. Equally, our returning students who may not have been living in rented accommodation for some time due to remote learning may also be finding this year a…

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Advice for students still waiting to receive their funding

  Hopefully most new and returning students will have received their first instalment of funding by now, but if you are still waiting, we can help. If you are in short term financial difficulty, or if you don’t understand why your loan has not been approved – or has not been income assessed, you may…

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Reimbursement for students travelling to the UK from red and amber list countries

The university is offering reimbursement towards essential costs incurred by students who have recently travelled from an amber or red list country in order to start or resume their study. This is open to all students, regardless of nationality, level of course or tuition fee status. How much is available? £875 towards the cost of…

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How and when the Maintenance Loan is paid

Most new and continuing students who applied for their funding in good time should have been assessed and able to see a status update on their Student Finance account. Student Finance use different terms to describe the status of funding applications/assessments. Let us tell you what the different options mean:  Awaiting confirmation – this means that  Student…

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Financial support for students travelling to the UK from red and amber listed countries.

If you are a student travelling from overseas to the UK to start or continue your students at the University of Brighton, you need to be aware of the additional financial costs associated with travel from red list countries and amber list countries at this time. In response to these costs, we are offering the…

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Summer Fund to support students over the long vacation

Each year the university offers financial supports to students over the long summer holiday. This year is slightly different as we have fortunately received some additional funds from the Office for Students, so hopefully this means that we can help out more students who are not working over the summer. Who can apply We welcome…

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Important deadlines for university funding

The university has a number of different funds to help students who are facing financial difficulties. To date, we have spent £540,000 direct to students from the main funds this academic year, which does not include the additional awards we have made from the Office for Students funding. The main Student Support Fund is open…

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Important deadline for this year’s Student Finance and University of Brighton Bursary

Most students are coming to the end of the academic year, and there are deadlines approaching which might affect your funding. If you think you haven’t got the right amount of funding for the current academic year, then you will need to make sure Student Finance have received all your information and evidence by the…

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Final Year Undergraduate and PGCE students – don’t miss out on our additional funds

If you are in your final year of an undergraduate or PGCE course, and if you are experiencing financial hardship, then it’s not too late to apply for our Student Support Fund for some help from the University. The fund closes on 7th May 2021, and late applications cannot be accepted, but you still have…

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