A model car made of brightly coloured cardboard

Graduates 2023: Max Male, Product Design BSc(Hons)

The strengths of the course are it’s passionate lecturers and the flexibility they give you to discover the stuff you care about

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

I’m an explorative maker and designer. My work is about fun, learning and making with a strong focus on sharing that with others. I’m also really interested in the psychology behind how we interact with objects and the hidden stories those objects tell. My graduate project SnapKit! is an invention toy that enables you to turn cereal boxes into inventions with a hole-punch and connectors. It enables anyone to unlock their invention potential! 

How have you found your course and time at Brighton?

I’ve loved my time at Brighton and the strengths of the course are its passionate lecturers and the flexibility they give you to discover the stuff you care about (not to mention the amazing studio atmosphere). 

 What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I’ll be continuing with a design internship and teaching windsurfing whilst I convert my van to travel in over winter!

Find out more: www.maxmalemakes.com

Follow Max on Instagram @max.male.makes

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