Photo of Jasmine Montgomery

Engineering project exhibition 2023: Jasmine Montgomery, Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng(Hons)

I have enjoyed my final year project as it has given me the chance to create and build my own project to work on, and it is a topic I find interesting. The independence is a great skill to carry forward into my career.

Please tell us a bit about your project

My project is an investigation into communication networks and how different configurations of networks change the network metrics and behaviour of traffic.

I have used simulation tools like Cisco Packet Tracer and GNS3, along with my research, to run simulations of scenarios, used to compare changes in a network. Videos of the simulations being built and run are also provided as an aside to the dissertation, which will run alongside my poster on the poster exhibition day to give a visual aid to what my investigation entailed.

My supervisor, Dr Deshinder Singh Gill, has been extremely supportive in my progress in many ways, including setting up weekly meetings with students, being there for many 1-to-1 meetings, always doing his best to advise me on how to make my project the best I can, and also for general support and advice. I could not have asked for a better project supervisor.

How did you choose your course – why did you choose to study an engineering degree and why Brighton?

I have always been analytical and wondering how things work and why things happen. Engineering is the perfect subject for someone with a curious mind, like myself. My dad is also an engineer so luckily I understood through asking him questions what an engineering career would involve and have always known it would suit me.

What have you enjoyed the most?

I have enjoyed my final year project as it has given me the chance to create and build my own project to work on, and is enjoyable as it is a topic I find interesting. The independence is a great skill to carry forward into my career.

Did you do a placement year?

I did not do a placement year. I did, however, do a 3 month scholarship at Paxton Access Ltd over the summer between my second and final years of University.

I was an Engineering Intern at the company, where I worked in development alongside the hardware department.

I loved this role and it has given me so much confidence in the field and in myself to take with me further into my career. I learned so much in the space of three months with all the support and guidance from the employees of the company.

How has your course helped to prepare you for your career?

My course has given me good foundational knowledge in electronics that will help when I get a job, where I will then build on these skills in whatever specific region I go in.

My immediate plans after graduation are to go traveling as this is what I enjoy the most. When I return, I will look for a job in electronics.

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