Masters Student Environment Placement Scheme

Add expertise to your business with the University of Brighton’s Environment Placement Scheme. Placements total 30 days and are typically carried out part-time between January and May.

There are Masters-level students with expertise in environmental assessment and management, GIS and environmental management, water and environmental management and town planning looking for opportunities

COVID-19 restrictions mean these placements will have to be virtual so you will need to be able to supervise them online.

Contact Nick Jagger on for more information.

An introduction to the art of sales for green innovators

  • Date   11 December 2020
  • Time   10:00am – 12:00pm
  • Venue   Zoom

An introduction to sales strategy: helping you close more deals, convert leads and grow revenue. Focussing on green credentials, this workshop will teach practical sales tips and help you build a powerful sales toolkit.

This taster session will also give you an overview and insight into our full Art of Sales workshops series, starting in early 2021. It’s designed for businesses with a thorough knowledge of their market and target customer, who are ready to build a sales strategy and develop techniques.

The full workshop series will build the skills and confidence of a core group of highly scalable Clean Growth UK members and help them develop their ability to build a sustainable sales pipeline over time.

In this 60 minute taster you’ll cover:

  • The Art of sales – an introduction to selling
  • An introduction to pitching
  • An introduction into how to start attracting customers (price, package and productising)
  • An introduction to the sales process
  • An overview of how to use data sources
  • An insight into building referral and partner relationships
  • Eligibility, next steps and what to prepare for the full workshop series
Who’s it for?

This workshop is for ambitious green businesses who are developing new green or clean products and services and are clear on their target customers and marketing channels and ready to sign up customers.

Ideally you should be ready to take products or services to market and have a solid understanding of your:

  • Mission, vision and value proposition
  • Market segments, who you are targeting and why
  • Positioning and their sustainable competitive advantage.

Book your place below

Clean Growth Innovation: Circular Economy

  • Date   4 December 2020
  • Time   9:30am – 11:00am
  • Venue   Zoom

From large corporates to start-ups, embracing the circular economy can unlock growth and build resilience.

Bouncing back from the Covid-19 pandemic whilst tackling climate change will require innovation in business models and processes. At this free workshop on 4 December, you’ll learn how you can embed circular economy principles – designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use and regenerating natural systems – into your business.

This workshop is for managers, business owners and decision makers and will provide practical help to find new opportunities and/or start on the journey to becoming more circular.

You’ll cover what the circular economy is, including examples of businesses involved in circular supplies, resource recovery, product life extension, sharing platforms and product as a service, and how to adopt it in your business.

This is an introductory workshop, and a more in-depth multi-day continuation workshop will follow in the early 2021.

“I found the training really useful leaving us with lots of tangible projects to get on with. It went at a good pace and was very practical.” J Kingston City of London Corporation

Book your place below


Access to Finance for green businesses


  • Date   25 November 2020
  • Time   10:00am – 12:00pm
  • Venue   Zoom

The one thing that has the power to accelerate your green business ambitions more than anything is funding.

Whether it’s crowdfunding, government grants, private equity investment or debt financing, what works for one business might not work for another. How do you decide what’s right for you?

This FREE workshop will help you identify the right kind of funding for your business.

With two streams – start-up and next-level growth – you’ll get advice and support that’s tailored to you and delivered by two Clean Growth UK Strategic Advisers. You can submit your funding questions in advance so that they get covered on the day.

The workshop will cover all aspects of business funding, including recent developments related to the Covid-19 crisis.

Work-stream 1: Startup Funding and Seed Capital

Delivered by Clive Bonny of Strategic Management Partners. Clive provides due diligence advice, intellectual property protection and networking support to enable fundraisers to improve their investability.

Work-stream 2: Growth Funding

Delivered by Lawrie Chandler of Edale Investments, an FCA regulated investment business and practitioner that helps firms access growth capital or cash flow improvement.

Book below

The Future of Materials

From the mixing of copper and tin to make bronze to the digital revolution made possible by silicon, materials have shaped the course of humanity.

And as we find ourselves facing the defining crisis of our time, how can material innovation help us win the race against climate change?

How do we tackle plastic? Can we continue to meet the world’s demand for stuff with finite resources? Can smart materials help reduce carbon emissions?

On 26 November, we’ll be bringing together industry leaders, entrepreneurs and academics to share their insights into the future of materials and its impact on our lives.

Expect lively debate, a window into the future, and the chance to network with like-minded business leaders and changemakers.

Date   26 November 2020 Time   10:00am – 12:00pm Venue   Hop In

Register here

Marketing Oomph South

Marketing Oomph South

Our renowned Marketing Oomph workshop is designed to help companies committed to environmentally-responsible business nail their marketing strategy. As the climate emergency deepens, businesses need to adapt to survive and thrive. We’re here to help you do that.

” It really was one of the most interesting, informative and fun workshops I have been to.”

The Covid 19 situation has also forced many businesses to consider how to improve their resilience, and many are exploring how they can reframe their marketing strategies and tactics. Selling online and utilising online tools will be crucial. We’ll help you get to grips with this changing landscape.

4 x half day sessions, starting on 24 September 2020, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, via Zoom

Register here

Upcoming free Green Growth Platform Events – September 2020

Business Model Canvas for your Clean Growth Innovation – September 2020
10 September 2020, AM, Via Zoom







Business model workshop for clean and green businesses.

At this workshop you’ll learn about the nine building blocks of business that make up the famous Business Model Canvas.

Run by Clean Growth UK’s South East Hub, the Green Growth Platform, and facilitated Clean Growth UK Strategic Adviser Gavin McWhirter of Digital Islands.

More info and Book


Green Homes Fund supplier Q&A
18 September 2020, AM, Online via MS Teams









Tradespeople and installers of green and low carbon home improvements will need a government-backed seal of approval to provide their services as part of the new £2 billion Green Homes Grant going live at the end of September.

This Q&A session will support our members to understand more about this new scheme.

More info and Book


Clean Growth Innovation
Multi-day workshop starting on 23 September, Online via MS Teams






Clean Growth Innovation is the development of any new or improved product, process, business model or service that reduces your impact on the environment.

At this FREE virtual workshop, you’ll identify and learn about the most impactful actions you can take you can take, under tailored guidance from Clean Growth UK Strategic Advisor Ian Trow.

More info and Book


Marketing Oomph
Multi-day workshop starting on 24 September, Online via MS Teams






Our renowned Marketing Oomph workshop is designed to help you nail your marketing strategy.

“It really was one of the most interesting, informative and fun workshops I have been to.”

This workshop will be facilitated by Clean Growth UK Strategic Advisors Creative Bloom.

More info and Book

Building Bridges for Sustainable Tourism in Africa with Ghana Tourism Authority

Bridge in Kakum Canopy, Cape Coast, Ghana

Bridge in Kakum Canopy, Cape Coast, Ghana

Professor Marina Novelli, Academic Lead for Responsible Futures, has joined forces with the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) to establish the Building Bridges for Sustainable Tourism in Africa (BBSTA) Initiative.

Born out of a shared commitment to proactively play a part in the recovery of tourism in Africa, the initiative has now evolved into the unprecedented collaboration of over 40 key stakeholders from Africa and beyond.

BBSTA’s purpose is to advocate for proactive action-based collaborations and initiatives which will inform policy and practice for sustainable tourism in Africa and its agenda is the result of a co-constructed process responding to two key questions:

  • What now (during COVID19)?
  • What next (post-COVID19)?

Four key areas of intervention BBSTA’s have been so far agreed, which are:
1. Digitisation
2. Regional collaboration
3. Research and training
4. Advocacy and PR

Working closely with GTA CEO Akwasi Agyeman, Professor Novelli is part of the BBSTA Advocacy Task Force with a strong belief that creative solutions are needed to address this crisis.

According to UNWTO (2020), it is expected that the crisis could lead to an annual decline of between 60% and 80% when compared with 2019 figures. For most countries, travel restrictions halted tourism in February 2020. Nations, global tourism agencies, academia, destination markets and tourism businesses are collaborating to try and frame this crisis, analyse its impacts and forecast what the ‘new normal’ will be for tourism.

Professor Novelli said:

“The impact on the tourism industry has been significant; the sector is among the worst affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of livelihoods are at risk and there is a clear threat to progress made in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are committed to working together to take pragmatic steps towards recovery.”

For more information:

To find out more about the BBSTA Initiative and get involved, send an email to Akwasi Agyeman at: and Professor Marina Novelli at:

Responsible Futures supports sustainable business practice

Helping businesses recover from the COVID-19 lockdown

Top experts are coming together to help Sussex businesses recover from the pandemic lockdown.

The University of Brighton’s Centre for Change, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (CENTRIM), Coast to Capital Local Enterprise Partnership, and Business East Sussex  have teamed up for a four-part webinar series aimed at offering insights and support.

The webinars have been created in response to themes emerging from sessions with businesses since the outset of the pandemic, and form part of a series of initiatives supported by the university’s Responsible Futures agenda which is committed to supporting sustainable business development and practice.

Seminar series poster

The series and CENTRIM speakers:

  • 27 May: The Digital Device Landscape: When to phone, when to message, when to email, when to video call. “A practical, gritty, and hands-on session targeted at businesses which have increased their dependence on digital communications.” Speaker, Paul Levy
  • 29 May: Crisis Innovation. “Offering specific actions that can help managers bring innovations borne out of crisis to fruition.” Speaker, Dr George Tsekouras
  • 1 June: Digital Transformation. “An overview of key considerations for SMEs who are transitioning into the digitisation of business processes.” Speaker, Asher Rospigliosi
  • 4 June: Exploiting Agility for Advantage. “Exploration of the eight types of agility, looking at when each is most likely to be efficient and effective.” Speaker, Dr David Francis

Professor Debra Humphris, the University of Brighton’s Vice-Chancellor, said: “University staff and students have volunteered to help the NHS wherever they can and we now stand with our partners to do the same for businesses which have suffered greatly through this dreadful crisis.”

Professor Debra Humphris

Professor Debra Humphris

Jonathan Sharrock, Chief Executive at Coast to Capital said:

“We are pleased to support the CENTRIM webinar series in collaboration with the University of Brighton and Business East Sussex. We are continuing a strong dialogue with partners on an economic recovery plan and I look forward to hearing updates from the upcoming events.”

The webinars will run between 12-1pm on the above dates and there will be questions and answers.

Events will be hosted via Microsoft Teams Live and links will be sent to registered delegates.

For more information and booking details, please visit Eventbrite.

Seminar logos

Tourism in the post-COVID-19 era – webinar

Image for Overtourism webinar

Professor Marina Novelli has been invited to contribute her expert opinion in an upcoming webinar hosted by the Journal on Tourism and Sustainability on Friday 24 April 2020 from 10.30am (GMT).

Joining the academics with whom she co-authored Overtourism: Excesses, discontents and measures in travel and tourism, Professor Novelli will answer questions relating to the future of tourism in the post-COVID-19 era.

Visit this web page to register

Topic: OTS Webinar Series: After the Virus

Description: E3. From Overtourism to a COVID-19 Immobile world

Tourism like any other industry will need to be regulated and managed in a post COVID-19 era. The third webinar will focus on issues concerning the crisis surrounding the tourism industry. The aim is to explore possible directions in which tourism and hospitality might be heading. The debate will focus on managing the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on attractions, hotels, restaurants etc… Questions to be considered:

Are we witnessing the end of overtourism or mass tourism, and the end of ‘vulgar’ tourism? Will the flow of visitors require an alternative solution and more responsible management? Will destinations that are faced with economic catastrophe cause a survival of the ‘fittest’ scenario?

Viewers will debate current issues concerning the rebirth of regulated tourism and suggest solutions in the management of the industry.

10:30 – 10:35 Welcome
10:35 – 11:05 Professor Claudio Milano
11:05 – 11:35 Professor Joseph M. Cheer
11:35 – 12:05 Professor Marina Novelli
12:05 – 12:30 Q&A and Closing Remarks

Chaired By: Professor Eugenia Wickens