Productive Urban Landscapes

Research and practice around the CPUL design concept

Chart of the Red Sea mapping transportation routes and loading/unloading points (source: Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) www 2019)

Panel accepted at next year’s “Anthropology and Geography” conference

We are pleased do announce that our proposal for a panel at next year’s international conference Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future has been accepted! The Anthropology and Geography: Dialogues Past, Present and Future conference is jointly organised by the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI), the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), the British Academy, the…

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Extract from the Urbal project’s website (source: Urbal www 2019)

Urbal: Urban-driven innovations for sustainable food systems

Last week, Katrin Bohn participated in a workshop of the international research project Urbal: Urban-driven innovations for sustainable food systems. Urbal uses participatory research in eight cities to develop and test a holistic methodology to map the impact pathways that go from urban innovations to all dimension of sustainability of food systems. More than 35…

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COST Circular Cities visited a biofiltration pilot plant in Hiedanranta, near Tampere, which mimics nature’s own purification systems. (source: Bohn 2019)

EU research network COST Action Circular City holds working meeting in Finland

Katrin Bohn took part in a working and field study meeting in Hämeenlinna, Tampere and Forssa as part of the COST Action Circular City (fully titled: COST Action 17133 Implementing nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful city). During 4 days, more than 60 participants from all EU countries discussed how to foster cooperation and research…

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The Skip Garden (source: Global Generation www 2019)

Visit of the Skip Garden in London

Today, we are lucky to have our Japanese academic visitor Akane Bessho here to jointly visit several community-based urban agriculture projects in Central London and discussed the commonalities and differences of urban agriculture between London, China and Tokyo. We would like to introduce a lovely community garden named Skip Garden, run by the charity Global…

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Academic visitor Akane Bessho, University of Tokyo, and Prof. André Viljoen, University of Brighton (source: Dong Chu 2019)

Welcome academic visitor Akane Bessho

We are warmly welcoming our academic visitor Akane Bessho, a second-year doctoral student at the Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan. Akane is experienced in the theory and practice of urban agricultural design. She received her Bachelor’s degree (BFA) in Architectural Design from Maryland Institute College of Art (2016) with her architectural design…

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Berlin’s Food Policy Council campaigns for sustainable food, nutrition and agriculture politics in the Berlin region. (source: Ernährungsrat Berlin www 2019)

INVITE: Plenary assembly of the Food Policy Council Berlin

It’s still a while to go but please save the date of the plenary assembly of the Food Policy Council Berlin [Ernährungsrat Berlin]: Monday, 14th October 2019, 5.30pm – 8.30pm, at Alte Zollgarage, Flughafen Tempelhof, Berlin An invitation with agenda will soon be sent out via the newsletter and posted on the website. And in…

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Aerial view of Berlin’s community garden Prinzessinnengarten (source: Prinzessinnengarten/Nachbarschaftsakademie www 2019)

INVITE: On the History, the Present and Possible Futures of Prinzessinnengarten

A walk with Marco Clausen, one of the founders of one of Berlin’s most prolific community gardens happens this Friday, 30th August 2019 at 6pm. Please meet at the “Laube” in Prinzessinnengarten, Kreuzberg, if you wish to attend. From the invitation: “A motorway was once foreseen at this spot. Now, carrots and potatoes grow here—but…

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A garden day in the Community Garden Bad Düben (source: Torsten Reinsch www 2018)

Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen joins Platform Productive Urban Green

Last week, Katrin Bohn met the German writer, journalist and activist Dr. Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen in Berlin, Germany. Together with Beatrice Walthall from the Working Group City & Food [AG Stadt & Ernährung], they discussed Elisabeth’s involvement in the project Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün [Platform Productive Urban Green]. Elisabeth Meyer-Renschhausen is one of Germany’s leading experts in…

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Extract of the book cover of the Urban Agriculture Book Series at Springer (source: Springer www 2019)

Katrin Bohn joins editorial board of Urban Agriculture Book Series

It is an honour for Katrin to have been invited onto the editorial board of the Urban Agriculture Book Series at Springer by the editors Christine Aubry, Éric Duchemin and Joe Nasr. The Urban Agriculture Book Series at Springer is for researchers, professionals, policymakers and  practitioners working on agriculture in and near urban areas. Urban…

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Aerial view of Letchworth Garten City (source: Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation www 2019)

Bohn and Viljoen are working with the world’s first Garden City

‘Letchworth Garden City is the world’s first Garden City, created as a solution to the squalor and poverty of urban life in Britain in the late 19th Century. Based on the ideas of Ebenezer Howard as published in his book of 1898 Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Reform Letchworth Garden City inspired town planning across…

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Madeira Terrace in historic pictures (source: Brighton Museums www 2019)

Madeira Terrace in Brighton in need of restoration

Abigail Hone, project manager at Brighton & Hove City Council’s City Development & Regeneration Department, organised a meeting with Katrin Bohn and Dong Chu about the restoration of Madeira Terrace in Brighton. The Council is looking for a design and engineering team to work on the restoration project starting this year on the first three…

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Cover of the publication Urban Food Sharing (source: Anna Davies / Sharecity www 2019)

Urban food sharing in the 21st century: Come dine with us!

Last week ended with Katrin meeting Dr. Ferne Edwards from RMIT Europe, the Royal Melbourne Institute’s European branch. Amongst the various subjects they explored was the recent (May 2019) publication Urban Food Sharing: rules, tool & networks compiling the results of SHARECITY, a European-funded research project led by Prof. Anna Davies at Trinity College Dublin,…

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The Community Kitchen on Queen's Road in Brighton (source: Brighton & Hove Food Partnership www 2019)

The Brighton & Hove Food Partnership is all about food

“For over twelve years we have been working with food to engage with people. We are at the forefront of a global movement, which aims to bring people back to the basic message that good food is a right for all, brings power and energy to everyone and is a joy to be shared.” Vic…

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Presentation of the results of one of the discussion tables by an urban gardener (source: Beatrice Walthall 2019)

First public presentation of the Platform Productive Urban Green

More than 30 people came to the first public presentation of “Platform Productive Urban Green – Design and planning of open green space” [Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün – Gestaltung und Planung des öffentlichen Grüns] which happened last week in Berlin’s Alte Zollgarage. After a brief welcome by a representative of Berlin’s (Germany) Senate Department for the…

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Bohn&Viljoen's Cuba exhibit at Hands On Urbanism (source: Elke Krasny 2013)

INVITE: On Critical Care for a Broken Planet, Lecture by Elke Krasny on 26th June

Professor Elke Krasny will be coming to the University of Brighton on 26th June to give a lecture titled  On Critical Care for a Broken Planet –Architecture and Urbanism beyond the Capitalocene, an event sponsored by the Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics. In medical terms, critical care, also known as intensive care, is…

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Berries Feast and music come together in a neighbourhood event. (source: Spiel/Feld Marzahn www 2019)

INVITE: Berries Feast at Spiel/Feld Marzahn, Germany

It is already the 4th year that the community gardeners at Spiel/Feld Marzahn celebrate their traditional Beerenfest [Berries Feast] at the same time as the Berlin-wide Fête de la Musique. Gardeners, neighbours and friends are invited to an afternoon and evening of music (instruments and singing welcome!) at the Großes Beet [Big Bed] led by…

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The new Platform Productive Urban Green and its 1st key component, the website “Community Gardens”, are embedded into Berlin’s political, activists and administrative processes. (source: AG Stadt & Ernährung 2019)

Platform Productive Urban Green holds its 2nd participatory workshop, Germany

After its successful first stakeholder workshop towards the end of March, the Working Group City & Food [AG Stadt & Ernährung] invited a selected group of Berlin-based community gardeners to the 2nd workshop in this participatory process. Aim of this meeting was to present and discuss the current developments of the Platform Productive Urban Green,…

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Poster advertising the 9th international conference of the AESOP Sustainable Food Planning Group (source: AESOP SFPG www 2019)

Congratulations on the acceptance to AESOP Sustainable Food Planning 2019

Congratulations to Dong Chu and Katrin Bohn for the acceptance of their paper abstract for the 9th AESOP Sustainable Food Planning international conference! This conference on Agroecological transitions confronting climate breakdown: Food planning for the post-carbon city will be hosted by GIAU+s and the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain) on the 7-8 November 2019. Dong and Katrin’s…

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INVITE: A Productive Urban Green platform for Berlin, Germany

Today, the Working Group City & Food [AG Stadt & Ernährung], on behalf of Berlin’s (Germany) Senate Department for the Environment, Transport and Climate Protection [Senatsverwaltung für Umwelt, Verkehr und Klimaschutz], sent out an invitation to Berlin-based community gardeners to the first public presentation of “Plattform Produktives Stadtgrün“ – Gestaltung und Planung des öffentlichen Grüns…

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Andernach’s new EdiCitNet food growing site is being prepared. (image: City of Andernach 2019)

EdiCitNet working meeting in Germany’s first Edible City

EdiCitNet, the H2020 European innovation action project Katrin Bohn and André Viljoen are involved in, held a 4-day working meeting in Andernach, Germany’s first Edible City and partner in the project. Consortium members from 8 international cities as well as specialists met to present, discuss and develop ideas of how to integrate urban agriculture and…

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