Pulmonary Maintenance Exercise Classes with BreatheEasy Eastbourne

with the University of Brighton


Induction information for volunteering students

Thanks for choosing the Pulmonary Maintenance Classes for your Community Classroom work.

There are files on a Teams site for you to look at and to complete, see the link below, but also some information here about your volunteering. Please prioritise the ‘in the event of the patient distress document’.

Here is a link to some more information about Breathe Easy Eastbourne https://www.breatheasyeastbourne.org/

The Pulmonary Maintenance classes take clients who have already undergone Pulmonary Rehabilitation in the NHS or who are still too well to be referred.

Here is some information about pulmonary rehabilitation.  Only people with dyspnoea/breathlessness scores of 3 or 4 are invited to join NHS pulmonary rehabilitation.

Finally, there are documents for you to look at re running the programme here on the Teams site.

Can you complete the ‘documentation_information request’ form there and return it to me @ H.Horobin@brighton.ac.uk, so that Breathe Easy know who is working with them? I’m your reference. Many thanks.

Best wishes,



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