Pulmonary Maintenance Exercise Classes with BreatheEasy Eastbourne

with the University of Brighton


Meet our team

Josh Pennick (Class Lead)

Josh has a lot of experience leading exercise classes  and is starting to take the class over from Alex in July 2022.

Alex Hough (Physiotherapist)
Alex has worked as a respiratory physiotherapist in Canada, Colombia, Jamaica and the UK, and is now on the RESPS team at the DGH. She has also worked as a university lecturer and has written ‘Hough’s Cardiorespiratory Care’.
She is particularly keen on the BreathEasy pulmonary rehabilitation group at this time when exercise is both important and difficult to access, and is looking forward to seeing you all at the next group!
Visit Alex’s website for more tips and tricks about management of respiratory conditions!

Hazel Horobin

Hazel is a lecturer at the University of Brighton. She teaches about respiratory issues to physiotherapy students and organises the in University Pulmonary Rehabilitation classes.



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