June 6

Grandmother’s House

A couple of months ago I posted about the Path and I mentioned the aesthetics of the grandmother’s house. At the time, I didn’t use too many visuals because my aim was to write about my favourite elements and let my readers decide if they want to investigate further.

However, as this week’s EdublogsClub prompt is about using videos I thought I could use a video playlist to illustrate the previous EdublogsClub post and how I think videos can be used to reference previous learning.

Also, sometimes videos can explain what my vocabulary cannot. My interpretation of the grandmother’s house can be very different from yours. But I think the style, and the atmosphere, is not something I could necessarily describe without images.

May 30


This post is part of EdublogsClub. This week’s prompt is making the most of your time.

I touched on productivity in previous EdublogsClub posts (namely workspace and challenge). When my mental health is at it’s best I’m a super-organised and enthusiastic person. When I’m in a low, focus is almost impossible. I tend to fall at the first hurdle and never get up. It’s just the way it goes. What helps me is knowing the moment will eventually pass and I’ve got no reason to beat myself up about it.

source: buzzfeed.com/summeranne/50-lessons-that-moomins-can-teach-you-about-life

One of the ways I make the most of my time is by owning it. I calendarise my projects, work week and my social life. I share my calendar with colleagues. This technique minimises distractions. I’m less likely to log into my work emails when I’m studying or visiting relatives. And I stop feeling guilty about not replying straight away because I know people can see I’m on another project or away from work. Calendarising reminds me to try to keep to schedule – if the allotted time has passed and I haven’t finished my task I am reminded that I’ve chipped into something else. The overlap gives me pause for thought – and a chance to ask myself questions (eg. Is my piece of work bigger than I first expected? If so, why is that? and Do I need to reassess my workload?…) and take a small break to reevaluate my day.

May 23

Macondo, Moomins, plays and zines

This post is part of EdublogsClub. This week’s prompt is books and reading.

As a teenager, I read sporadically. But when I found something that caught my imagination I became absorbed. I always tried to like cool books; the books that were all about finding yourself but funnily enough I couldn’t identify with the narrator most of the time. As a child I had a few favourite books but I won’t write about them here because I think this post could easily end up an ode to Plop the owl.

I also was going to avoid writing about graphic novels and zines, but I put Moomins and Culture Slut in anyway because I enjoy them. I managed to keep non-fiction out of here. I might write about inspirational journals at another point. But that subject often tumbles into a description of my learning journey.

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May 19

Blog prog

This post is part of EdublogsClub. This week is a catch-up week.

One of topic suggestions this week reflecting on my blogging experience so far. Normally I don’t take part in catch up weeks – I just backdate my blog posts and pretend I did them on time. But I’m finding that I want to write more (probably due to being home alone and relieving the monotony of constant job applications).

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May 9

How I use social media

Most of my followers know I’m on a social media detox and have been for a month or so. Obviously, I still blog so it’s not a complete detox. I also have a LinkedIn profile which I use to see what our alumni are up to (hello!). But I left Twitter and Facebook. I still have a web presence on all University of Brighton systems (also, hello!).

Why am I not on other social media?

This is a tough question. I enjoy experimenting with new social media but there are times when I just need a break from it. Most people would take a break; stop checking their email/phone and come back to it later. I’m not the sort of person who can just let a representation of myself float around aimlessly in cyberspace – if I know about it, I am constantly checking it or deactivating it (there’s no inbetween for me).

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