February 15

Seven reasons why I’m #brightonforever

CompactPlus I would not be here if it was not for the Widening Participation team. I went to a UCAS Fair in 2010 and the person at the University of Brighton stall was a member of the Widening Participation team (the only other university who had sent someone with experience of non-traditional student recruitment was University of Bristol). I walked around the exhibition with my ex-partner, we spoke to all the universities and many of them just did not have a clue how to advise us – they were expecting to be speaking to teenagers doing A-levels. Some didn’t even offer us a goody bag! With the exception of University of Brighton and University of Bristol every university representative told us to look on their website to find an email address of someone to email our questions to. Penny, at the University of Brighton stall, got on her phone and arranged an interview with a senior lecturer while we stood looking at the prospectus. She advised my ex-partner to write a personal statement and send it to the tutor. In less than a fortnight, my ex-partner had been offered a place. Many universities talk about students from non-traditional backgrounds being welcome in their institution – the Widening Participation team made me feel like my contribution to the university would be valued and that I’d have an impact.

Alumni Association I was offered a job in the Alumni office a few months after I applied to the University of Brighton. I started off as a general office assistant and now I am a data assistant. During my three years in the Alumni office I have done so many fun and rewarding things. I’ve met lovely people, I have brilliant colleagues, I’ve taken part in and organised amazing events and I’ve learnt loads.


HOAD I studied for a term in the History of Art and Design department in Pavilion Parade. Despite my withdrawal, I loved the staff and the friends I made while I was there. I still get excited about the research being done by the department. When I read about the research interests of staff like Dr Nicola Ashmore and Dr Louise Purbrick I wish I was an academic. Studying at Pavilion Parade was a wonderful opportunity. It was also a big personal learning experience – I discovered a love of learning in museums, an awareness of my limitations and I began to understand my mental health a tiny bit more (achieving your dream and realising you’re still full of self-doubt kinda does that to you).

Active Student During my term in HOAD I started volunteering in Brighton Museum. Wow. Working in the learning department of the Brighton Museum was the happiest and most rewarding experience of my life. I wrote about it a bit on the Careers blog for Student Volunteering Week and on the student experiences page. I love Brighton Museum and the staff I work with are superb. Some days are challenging, some days are exhausting and some days I just walk home with a huge smile on my face because I’ve seen someone as excited about Brighton Museum as I am. I am so grateful that I can be creative in my role. Some of my favourite memories:









Student Union I am a bit of a union person, in case that wasn’t glaringly obvious already. I was co-opted in as a Campus Action Team member last academic year. I missed the opportunity to stand this academic year because I had withdrawn from my course by the time the elections had come around. I have enjoyed working for the Student Union – I like talking to the students I meet in the Grand Parade office. Getting involved with the Student Union has been immensely rewarding. I have had the pleasure of being led by passionate and dedicated individuals such as Candice Armah and Molly Maher. And I look forward to seeing the growth of the Student Union.

Elearning The degree I originally applied to do at University of Brighton was cancelled a couple of weeks before I was due to start. So I decided to do an Award in Education and Training that year. During this time, I noticed how much I enjoyed using virtual learning environments and various other digital technologies. The Elearning team have been supportive of my development since I started working at the university. The team have been on-hand to help with coding on my other blog (thanks Fiona), smoothing out glitches on my eportfolio, answer random questions that my silly brain comes up with and generally do lots of cool things like actionbound, 5 days 5 campuses and 12 apps of Xmas… Their assistance has enabled me to feel confident experimenting with technology, and use technology in my creative practice.

School of Art Being an art student is more amazing than I even imagined. Studying in Grand Parade, around inspirational people and fantastic work is a moving experience. Every week feels like a new adventure.

The EdublogsClub prompt this week is listicle. I enjoy reading listicles and, as I frequently use subheadings and lists in my blog posts, I thought writing one would be fun.

Posted February 15, 2017 by N¡na in category EduBlogsClub, Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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