January 18

I know my sh¡t

There’s a saying in my flat; I know my sh¡t (my partner says You know your sh¡t). It’s a kinda joke and a kinda truth. It’s something I shout at myself when I’m anxious, or after I’ve had a meeting with good feedback. I had a meeting this week when a colleague praised my work in front of ten other colleagues. It felt good. After the meeting I turned to my partner and said I don’t know why I freaked out so much, I know my sh¡t and he replied You know your sh¡t.

I suddenly remembered a Deathbulge comic from 2013!

source: deathbulge.com/comics/155

I forget sometimes that my feelings are not unique, and times I don’t know my sh¡t are few and far between.

January 16

Healthy love

Everyday this week I’ll be pulling a (virtual) card from the Spirit Junkie deck and reflecting on it.

I welcome healthy loving relationships.

My partner persauded me to leave the flat today and go for a walk along the beach. On the way home we took a shortcut through town and found a little artisan local food shop open. I bought some cookies and my partner bought some jam. We came home and had toast and tea.

I realised it was 350 days until my fortieth birthday. I told my partner that it would be kinda cool if I had a job in London where I could travel on the Thames Clipper every weekday. I like boats. He didn’t know I liked boats. Then we had a half an hour discussion about whether I told him I liked boats in the past two years. I can’t believe the subject never came up until now. I mean, every time I get on a boat I sing I’m On A Boat!


January 15


Everyday this week I’ll be pulling a (virtual) card from the Spirit Junkie deck and reflecting on it.

Today I consciously choose to think loving thoughts, take compassionate actions, and bring forth peaceful energy.

The day started with me using book vouchers to buy Red Rosa, then I had two meetings which I was not too nervous for (though in one I did volunteer to give a presentation at the end of the month).

Later on I found out about the passing of Yusuf McCormack. I’m at a loss for words at the moment, but I’ll just share a piece of his work that touched me:

January 14

More important

Everyday this week I’ll be pulling a (virtual) card from the Spirit Junkie deck and reflecting on it.

All I love is more important than all I fear.

A piece I wrote about my career journal will be published tomorrow.

source: blogs.canterbury.ac.uk/careers/careers-enterprise-online-award/

It will be published on the anniversary of Rosa Luxemburg’s death (I also found out about the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, and they are recruiting for a project manager!). It feels like good timing.