January 24

More like post-rad!

Current mood:

source: gabbybernstein.com/superattractordeck

Next year I’ll be doing a module called Looking Ahead, and it’s about continuous professional development. In typical Nina-style I’m looking ahead to Looking Ahead and thought I’d start vlogging about my next steps.

I wanted to stand for election for one of the Student Union volunteer posts but I couldn’t find any information on the roles (there used to be a Student Council Chair, International Students’ Officer, Mature Students’ Officer, Postgraduate Students’ Officer, Part Time Students’ Officer, Black and Minority Ethnic Students’ Officer, LGBTQ+ Officer, Disabled Students’ Officer, Environment Officer, Women’s Officer…). I was a bit disappointed but then I looked at the elections.

OMFG. Postgraduate Officer now appears to be a fulltime paid position! I emailed the student union because I couldn’t believe my eyes. One of the things I’ve been saying for years is that I’d like to see leadership more reflective of the student population. Obviously the student union has made great progress in many of these areas, but I am particularly excited to see the Postgraduate Officer!

January 23

Clear boundaries

Current mood:

source: gabbybernstein.com/superattractordeck

I did a lot of work (from my day job) this weekend. I’ve noticed I’ve been falling behind in the week… but the weekend is a cocoon of quietness and I’m working so much better in this time.

I’ve been trying to work around my partner’s teaching and work meetings. But although his teaching is scheduled, his meetings often are not. So I often hear my partner and his colleagues’ voices echoing around our flat. It’s far from conducive to my workspace needs.

So I adapt.

January 22


Current mood:

source: gabbybernstein.com/superattractordeck

I don’t know what it is about Friday but I always seem to end the week / start the weekend with intrusive thoughts. I think to myself “I’ll catch up on art/work tomorrow“, but I never feel up to it.

Next week is Personal Development Week. It’s a week organised by my previous department, and it’s my favourite event they do (aside from the Partners in Learning conference). I missed Personal Development Week last year but the year before I had such a great time. Next week I have filled up my schedule and I’m looking forward to learning something new. I can’t wait!!!