This is another EdublogsClub post and this time it is about challenging situations. I’m really enjoying being part of EdublogsClub and I feel like each prompt seems relevant to what I’m dealing with at the time. So here goes…
This past week I faced, and feel like I overcame, a challenging moment in university. I completed my first university assignment. I did not complete my previous module (I’m going to finish it next academic year) and last year I withdrew from my previous course in my first term so this was my first marked assessment. It was peer assessed and I believe I got a merit, though I tried to argue it down! I thought I didn’t do enough to pass. I think I’ll get the official results in a few weeks or less.
My research poster was hung up in the Tate Exchange. Sadly I didn’t take a photo of it, or me with it. When I finally felt the courage to look at it, I saw it had fallen on the floor. That felt really appropriate as I was experiencing dissonance. I walked out not long after that and haven’t really had time to think since. Though I did reflect on my module with my counsellor yesterday and realised I’m just pretty content. I feel proud I saw something through and didn’t let my fear put me off completely.
Here are my thoughts on some things that have helped me deal with challenging situations. NB/ I’m referring to challenging situations rather than emergencies.
It’s my Wait Ain’t Hate Eight technique.
- Wait. OK, the challenge is there. If you’re lucky it will resolve itself but chances are it won’t. You’ve acknowledged it, you may fear it, you may not have time to compose yourself but give yourself time to figure it out. Hint: it is possible to analyse a challenge whilst panicking over it.
- Measure. How long will it take? Is it doable (if not, what can you do to make it manageable?)? How can you break it down?
- Care. Do you care about this challenge? Why? Use that to remind you how much to invest in dealing with it. Don’t overspend your energy. Or, if you struggle, remember why you are facing this challenge in the first place.
- People. Bring in people if you can. If only for moral support. If you can collaborate, that’s even better.
- Check-in. During the course of the challenge check your progress or lack of. Do you need to remeasure? Do you still feel the same way about the challenge? How are your people doing? Is it time to cut?
- Cut. I’ve lost track of the amount of times someone has come to me with an idea and asked me to implement it, only for my hard work to disappear in a void. So, when you’ve been asked to do something question why! If they can’t give you a good answer find someone who can or scrap the task. Seriously, it was probably someone’s brain fart that they imposed on you.
- Action. At this point you should have reduced the challenge into a bunch of challengettes. Knock them out of the park.
- Reward. You need tea and cake. Well done.
Congratulations on your accomplishment. I love your Wait 8 technique–that is such a well-thought-out and workable strategy. I’m going to sticky it on my computer to remind myself the next time I have such a challenge. Thank you for sharing it! (and I love the idea of “challengettes”!)
Some effective yet simple to remember strategies. Thank you.