May 26


My lovely beautiful nephew is out of hospital. I was so excited about him being three weeks old I sent him an outfit. My sister loves it and is looking forward to dressing him up in it.

I hope I’ll get to see him soon but I have to be realistic about my money situation and my schedule.

Yesterday was an over-emotional day. Firstly, I had to tell my office in Brighton Museums that I wanted to leave my volunteer role. From July I will be volunteering with another team in the same department. So, it wasn’t really a goodbye but I felt close to tears never-the-less. My heart felt like it was breaking when I told my colleague that next week will be my last week. She was very positive and happy that I’m moving into a new role, which made it harder for me because I will feel lost without her weekly enthusiasm and support.

Then I went out with some of the UNISON branch for Carole’s leaving party. I had to join the party late because I only had £7 to spend on drinks and it’s easier to hide the fact I’m not drinking if I turn up late. Carole has been a lovely branch secretary, and although I am sure that Ivan will be just as wonderful, I feel lost without her. I’m a bit sketchy and not the best communicator, but she has always made me feel appreciated. And yesterday she told me how great she thought I was at what I do.

I was having a bad mental health week, so those few kind words from Carole and my museum colleagues turned me into a quivering mess.

Posted May 26, 2016 by N¡na in category Uncategorized

About the Author

An alumna #brightonforever

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