Malagiri February update
We’re delighted to bring you an update of all the latest Malagiri School news – so much has happened over the last few months.
You can also download the information on this page as a pdf.
South Downs Walk August 2021
Kevin Fossey’s daughter, Michelle and her son Benji walked the entire length of the South Downs way a remarkable achievement, especially as Benji was 7 years old at the time. They raised an amazing £670 for the Malagiri school.
Pangdean Barn, 4th November 2021
More than 100 supporters attended this fundraising event, including Cathy Gower (Dean of the School of Education, University of Brighton), and four undergraduate students.
Just over £4,500 was raised an impressive amount and the most that has ever been achieved. Almost one third of the school’s annual costs were met in a single evening!
From the UK to Malagiri
Images drawn by the Malagiri pupils were auctioned during the Pangdean Barn event.
The money raised was used to buy new art materials for the school and every child was given a map of Nepal.
These kinds of exchanges are an invaluable way to strengthen and enrich our links with the school.
Support for Malagiri Villagers, October 2021
The COVID situation in Nepal forced the school to close in the Autumn. The villagers became short of essential supplies , so Mr Ang Tsering Lama and Mr Binod Lama of the Jangchup Charitable Organisation who are responsible for the legal governance of the school) took
emergency supplies to the school.
Each family was given rice, dhal, oil and salt enough for several weeks supply. Binod told us: “We felt good to see the smiling faces of the parents of our school children. Everyone is ok and in good health now. I think the distribution of ration will support them a lot.”
Community Support for Malagiri, November 2021
Concerns about Mental health are prominent in Nepal too.
Two NGOs (Lotus Heart and the Transcultural Psychosocial Organisation) collaborated to deliver an Orientation Program on Mental Health.
This program was attended by local community members, journalists, health workers, and female community health volunteers.
Reconnecting with Parents, November 2021
When the children returned to school in late November, Yubraj organised a parents’ meeting where many things were discussed openly in a relaxed way.
Parents shared their ideas and feelings about the school and discussed the curriculum as well as the general health of the children.
Nepalese style Christmas Celebrations, December 2021
The Malagiri School children enjoyed a Christmas Party together before the holidays. They sang, performed some intricate dance moves and tucked into a Nepalese style Christmas cake
Christmas Fair, 8th December 2021
We held a Christmas Fair outside the Checkland Building at the University of Brighton Falmer campus.
Staff and students entered into the festive spirit, wore Christmas jumpers , purchased seasonal goodies, enjoyed eating cakes and savoury bites and were serenaded by a choir (formed especially for the occasion). An impressive £600 was raised.
Since the Pangdean event in November, we are delighted that seven generous supporters have pledged regular monthly donations.
Every contribution is vital and makes a difference to the life chances of the Malagiri children.
A monthly gift of £5 will meet the cost of one child’s schooling for a week.