The Malagiri School


Sad news

It is with great sadness that we announce that our dear friend and colleague, Kevin Fossey, passed away peacefully this morning (16th June). We should like to extend our deepest sympathy to Kevin’s family and friends at this difficult time.

Kevin’s unique personality and associated commitment to the teaching profession has influenced and inspired generations of children. There is little doubt that his work has had an immensely positive impact on the lives of countless young people.

For many years, Kevin was a highly valued senior lecturer in the School of Education. Here, he made use of his vast experience of school management and expertise in religious education and history to motivate and enthuse hundreds of undergraduate and postgraduate students

Arguably, Kevin’s most ambitious and best-known project was the establishment of the School for Malagiri in rural Nepal. Since the school opened in 2011, School of Education students and staff, University of Brighton colleagues and many schools and organisations across Sussex have shown their generous support.

Kevin’s vision, his drive for excellence and his unequivocal commitment to inclusive practice remains at the heart of the School of Education’s values. Indeed, Kevin’s words, when he once described the School for Malagiri, reveal an image of his personal philosophy that guided him throughout his incredible career:

The School for Malagiri ‘takes the local families from lack of education and struggle for survival to opportunities for change and hope for the future’

Those of us who were fortunate enough to have known and worked with Kevin will ensure that his memory remains in our hearts and is emulated through our practice.

We should like to extend our deepest sympathy to Kevin’s family and friends, who are uppermost in our thoughts.

Lorraine Harrison, on behalf of the Malagiri Committee.

Adam Byford • June 16, 2016

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  1. Zoe June 16, 2016 - 10:39 pm Reply

    Sincerely devastated… Kevin was the most inspirational individual whom had had the most colossal impact on my teaching pedagogy. Forever will be in my heart and centre of my educational philosophy. His legacy will resonate in every single Brighton Uni Graduate. Thank you Kevin. You are amazing 🙂 Zoe S

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