An innovation into sustainable fashion and community appeal

Resell Market Research

Resell Market: Again, referencing Thredups resale report, online resale is the fastest growing sector for secondhand and is expected to grow 4X by 2026. I thought that I would start my research with the classic reselling apps such as Vinted, eBay and Depop. They all operate through either a website or an app that makes…

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Education and Sustainability

Education is another major factor that we as a group wanted to focus on with EcoSew. I came across an article from CSF (Centre of Sustainable Fashion) who look to educate (at a variety of levels) to help kickstart change in societies, economies and cultures. Another article also suggested that ‘education for sustainable development promotes…

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  There has been a recent push for sustainable living and as it grows in significance, it is becoming more prominent in our daily lives. ECOSEW wants to make a large difference in a small community by focusing on on the impacts that the fashion and textile industry has on society and the environment around…

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the stigma attached to social poverty and the idea of low income

These two essay’s are good reads for the idea of the prejudice of low income and poverty. From this i was able to learn how to best avoid stigma when dealing with charities and offering services. The ideas in this will defiantly need to be transferred when we write our concept, manifesto and advertising techniques…

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charities in brighton

There are two very successful charities in Brighton that are currently providing the services that we intend to recreate in our service, BUCFP and Off the Fence. Both of these charities mainly target the groups of people in Brighton who may be more vulnerable due to poverty, homelessness or unemployment whilst remaining completely diverse and…

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Homelessness and Poverty in Brighton: research points after tutorial

After the tutorial with Mark and Leo, i have begun some research on the groups we are aiming the service part of our new brand and concept on. I wanted to look into the stats and figures of homelessness and poverty in Brighton in order to access a possible alternative for our concept other than…

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Researching the Market: The Inaccessibility of Sustainability

On of my main jobs within this group is to research the sustainable fashion market. This is vital to understand in order to determine the current market, our ethics as a brand and what we feel we align with as well as researching future trends that could end up complimenting our idea. I started my…

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tutorial with leo and mark

After our tutorial with Leo and Mark, it was evident that some things in our concept needed to be changed or updated in order to continue with the project. For example, the words low income were often mentioned in the concept and this raised some questions. E.g will people be happy to admit they’re lower…

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updated concept

Sustainable living is becoming more present within our daily lives due to growing significance, importance and popularity. We intend to make a large difference within a small community by focusing on the impacts that the fashion and textile industry has on society and the environment around it. Our concept ultimately aims to minimise the fashion…

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