An innovation into sustainable fashion and community appeal

Resell Market Research

Resell Market:

Again, referencing Thredups resale report, online resale is the fastest growing sector for secondhand and is expected to grow 4X by 2026.

I thought that I would start my research with the classic reselling apps such as Vinted, eBay and Depop.

They all operate through either a website or an app that makes buying secondhand clothes accessible and easy. I wanted to analyse the layout of each website to see if there were similarities or differences that could be transferred into our own website/app for Ecosew’s platform.

Each website/app has a very similar layout which I think is important to note for our idea as these apps are frequently used by a variety of consumers (young-old), so we should think about tapping into this idea of simplicity when it comes to layout. Equally, each site gives the consumer the opportunity to be a buyer or seller so there is a broader range in how the consumer can get involved with more sustainable practices. I think that this opportunity of being a buyer, seller or both does create the sense of community within these apps which is very interesting and it quickly becomes a more personal experience rather than buying new from a large cooperation.

Fig 1. Depop Website Homepage. (All annotations done by me).

Fig 2. Ebay Website Homepage.


Fig. 3 Vinted Website Homepage.


With Ecosew, we will not only tap into a very similar (if not, the same) customer base and approach to sustainability as eBay, Depop and Vinted, but we will also be able to build upon this through the idea of community and education. I think that it is valuable to realise the importance of the resell market and how we can expand on these successful models to go one step further for the sustainable fashion market.





Taking Sustainability One Step Further:

Although eBay, depop and Vinted dominate the resell market and gives consumers the opportunity to be more sustainable through buying secondhand clothes, with ecosew we want to take this concept one step further by incorporating the idea of ‘rejuvenation’ (upcycling and mending). By using clothing that would otherwise be sent to landfill as well as deadstock material. I did want to research if there were any other companies that did a similar thing to our idea and came across an app called ‘Upcircle’ where they make recycling and up cycling more accessible through an app, much like the idea we have for ecosew.


Amy Saville • February 28, 2023

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