Conference Programme for Common Threads: Black and Asian British Women’s Writing International Conference- 21st -23rd July 2022 is available here COMMON THREADS FINAL PROGRAMME
CONFERENCE REGISTRATION OPEN (PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW): Conference fee: £125/£62 for 3 days (waged/unwaged, students, postgraduate researchers) or £50/£25 per day 22-23 July (waged/unwaged, students, postgraduate researchers) and £25/£12 per day 21 July. The JC Niala Conference… Continue Reading →
The DeCol Collective is delighted to host a virtualbook launch of This is the Canon: Decolonise Your Bookshelf in 50 Books (Quercus Books) on 10th November 1:00-2:30pm
DeCol Collective Teaching and Research Seminar Series 2021/22 Semester 1 Programme Ms Teams, JOINING CODE: msg2t5k 27th October 2021 Time: 13:00-14:00 Revealing the multicultural history of the University of Brighton For Black History Month, join Veneta Roberts, Tony Kalume, Marina… Continue Reading →
You are invited to our DeCol seminar series (2021) talk on: ‘Revealing the multicultural history of the University of Brighton’ Date: 27th October 2021 Time: 13:00-14:00 Place: Teams msg2t5k (joining code) For Black History Month, join Veneta Roberts, Tony… Continue Reading →
The following event is postponed. philosophy politics aesthetics Black History Month “The Red and the Black: The Russian Revolution and the Black Atlantic” Book launch with contributor Nigel Westmaas, Associate Professor of Africana Studies at Hamilton College (New York) and co-editor… Continue Reading →
Decolonising School rescources I share here a list of resources covering different subject areas that I compiled last year as part of my University role as the Academic Lead for Decolonising the Curriculum (2020-21). You can find here different toolkits… Continue Reading →
This free event is on the Windrush day next Tuesday 22 June with a keynote lecture by Stella Dadzie who will be discussing her latest book A Kick in the Belly: Women, Slavery and Resistance. Other speakers include Mike Anderson, Cathy… Continue Reading →
I am currently a student in my final year, studying the History of Art and Design. As a mixed Asian British student, I have become consumed with ideas of how to work on the decolonisation of our curriculum. This is… Continue Reading →
On Saturday 15th August, I attended Brighton and Hove’s third Black Lives Matter protest. Equipped with masks, placards and affirmations of strength and solidarity, we took to the streets of Brighton to remind our city that the Black Lives Matter… Continue Reading →
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