Brighton Law School blog


JLD essay competition 2017

The seventh annual JLD essay competition is now open.

This year’s title is:

’Where is the line between legitimate accountability and calling judges ‘enemies of the people’?’

The essay should be no more than 2,000 words.

The 2,000 word limit excludes footnotes, endnotes and other references and citations in support of your essay submission.

Closing date for submissions is 30 November 2017.

The winner will receive a cash prize of £500 and their essay will be published on the JLD website. Runner-up essays will also be published.

Who can enter?

The competition is open to LPC students, LPC graduates and trainee solicitors as of 30 November 2017.

How to enter

Please send your essay to

Find the original post here.

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Abigail Gillett • 13/11/2017

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