Brighton Law School blog


Pre-nups: How To Draft A Pre-nup In The Twilight Zone

At the Resolution National Conference 2015, the workshop on pre-nups was one of the more popular choices by far – nearly a quarter of delegates chose to attend. Perhaps this reflected a desire for stronger guidance on the drafting pre-nups during the twilight zone between Radmacher v Granatino [2010] UKSC 42 and the much awaited…

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Family Justice Reforms 2014: The Impact On Case Law One Year On

Family lawyers have been held to account by the upper court for compliance with new and existing Practice Directions resulting from Family Justice Reforms implemented on 22 April 2014. Yet the new terminology for Child Arrangements Orders (s12 Children and Families Act 2014) has yet to become a feature of case law, Resolution members heard…

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Brighton Law Students @ Resolution Conference – the Working Life of Family Lawyers in 2015

More than 480 family lawyers headed to Brighton last week for the National Conference of Resolution to hear about the impact of the 2014 Family Law reforms and debate current family law issues. Six University of Brighton law students went along to help out, learn about the current status of family law and make contacts,…

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Work Experience at Family Law Partners

What a life changing experience!!! I remember waking up that morning terrified at the prospect of having my first legal work experience but I knew it was going to be an interesting one. I really enjoy Family Law lectures and was looking forward to seeing how it’s done in practice. Arriving at Family Law Partners,…

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