School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

University of Brighton School of Business and Law Graphic with Luke Hopkinson and quote: "Completing a placement helps you gain work experience, make valuable connections, and potentially receive job offers, alleviating stress in your final year."

How a Placement Year Can Lead to Two Graduate Job Offers

Luke Hopkinson, a recent graduate of the International Business Management course at the School of Business and Law, completed a placement year as part of his course and received two job offers before graduating. Luke’s story highlights the power of a university placement year in your career and unlocking. It also demonstrates the value of…

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Preena and group of students at front of class presenting

The Life of a Business Management Student

Hi, I’m Preena, I’ve just completed my third year studying Business Management BSc(Hons) and will graduate this summer. Moving from Kenya to the UK and starting university as an international student can be a significant change, and knowing what to expect is often challenging. In this blog, I will give you an idea of the…

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Why I chose to commute to university

When considering going to university, there is a lot to think about, and with the ever-growing pressure of the cost of living, one of the biggest decisions you’ll make is where you want to live. In this blog, we chat with Marissa Loureiro, who is about to embark on her third year studying Business Management…

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Naomi spencer sat outside Elm House

My first year at university

As our students break up for the summer, we caught up with Naomi Spence, who has just completed her first year studying Marketing Management BSc(Hons) at the University of Brighton. In this blog, Naomi tells us about her experience of starting university, and what she has enjoyed the most during her first year. Choosing Marketing…

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student and advisor in placement office

Student experience: Why I chose to take an optional placement year

All of our undergraduate degrees at the School of Business and Law allow students to gain valuable industry experience and earn money with an optional placement year. Placements allow students to apply their learning to real-life situations and challenges, meet and network with potential employers, and have opportunities to get real work experience before graduating….

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Image of Brighton Fringe 2024 parade

Real-World Experience at the University of Brighton: Collaborating with Brighton Fringe

At the School of Business and Law at the University of Brighton, we prioritise providing our students with real-world experience to complement their academic learning. Recently, our International Events Management with Marketing students had the opportunity to work on exciting projects with Brighton Fringe, gaining essential skills and insights for their future careers. University of…

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Tia Ungar Image and Quote "I have loved my time at the University of Brighton! My course has given me great insight that has prepared me to go out and feel confident in finding a job when I graduate. The lectures are super supportive and want you to do your best across all modules. Tia Ungar - Marketing Management BSc(Hons)" with background image of beach and university of brighton logo

Marketing Management student Tia’s university placement story

Today, we’ll be sharing the experience of Tia Ungar, a third-year student pursuing her Marketing Management BSc (Hons) degree at the University of Brighton’s School of Business and Law. We recently caught up with Tia as her time as an Assistant Account Executive during her university placement at Aduro Communications came to an end, offering…

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Third year marketing students standing in Elm House atrium

Poster presentation for final-year students

This week our third-year students studying Marketing Management BSc(Hons) and International Business Management BSc(Hons) took part in a poster presentation display for their final assignments before graduation. The Retail Marketing and Distribution module looks at retail marketing and distribution through practical workshops with an emphasis on real retailer situations. Our students studied topics from historical…

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