School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Naomi spencer sat outside Elm House

My first year at university

As our students break up for the summer, we caught up with Naomi Spence, who has just completed her first year studying Marketing Management BSc(Hons) at the University of Brighton.

In this blog, Naomi tells us about her experience of starting university, and what she has enjoyed the most during her first year.

Choosing Marketing Management BSc(Hons) at Brighton

“I chose to study marketing management at the University of Brighton because I found it to be an equilibrium of creativity and academia which are two attributes that make me, me. I am also an entrepreneur, and my career goals include expanding my business. After reading the course contents, I found that marketing management would provide the business-savvy information that I need for my business.”

Settling into university life

“I found settling into university during the first semester challenging. Being away from home and being independent was not new to me, so that was alright. But making friends was not so easy. I am a social person; however, as a social ambivert who does not enjoy clubbing or drinking or anything of that nature, it was a lot harder to meet people, so cliques were already formed between people on nights out, and I wasn’t in them. But, if it’s one thing I’ve learned, that’s not a life sentence. Yes, you have to actively put yourself out there and step out of your comfort zone here and there to go up to people and say hello. Bonds will form; some will be temporary, and others will be permanent. From the outside, it always looks like everyone has a massive group of friends and you’re alone, but the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. You will make friends in due time. I didn’t go to any societies in the first semester, and I wish I did.

In terms of getting into a routine, it was so odd in the first semester. Life felt surreal. I was in a new city, at a new university, surrounded by hundreds of strangers soon to be familiar faces. I eventually got into a basic routine when I was issued my first piece of coursework, as I needed time to work on it. But before my coursework, no day was the same for me. And so I didn’t conform to a strict routine. It’s not that it wasn’t possible; it was a personal choice.

Joining societies and socialising

“My hobbies include content creating, swimming and cycling. I had a lot of fun riding the electric Beryl Bikes from university to my Varley Halls student accommodation.

“In my first semester, I attempted to play dodgeball, but after having my glasses smacked off my face, not once, not twice, but THRICE by a big red ball, I packed it in the same day I joined. In my second semester, I joined the Students’ Union Creative Writing and Radio Society, where I met some great, friendly people with whom I maintained contact and built friendships. I am also a part of the African-Caribbean Society as well as on the 2023-2024 committee as Welfare Officer and Secretary.

A typical week at university – my timetable and routine

“In the first semester, my timetable had 12 hours of lectures and seminars at university. I was in 4 out of 5 days a week; with Mondays off. It was like having a weekly bank holiday weekend- I loved it. In my penultimate and final semesters, I was in 5 days a week, the total hours were still 12, just spread across 5 days instead of 4.

“In terms of getting into a routine, it was so odd in the first semester. Life felt surreal. I was in a new city, at a new university, surrounded by hundreds of strangers soon to be familiar faces. I eventually got into a basic routine when I was issued my first piece of coursework, as I needed time to work on it. But before my coursework, no day was the same for me. And so I didn’t conform to a strict routine. It’s not that it wasn’t possible; it was a personal choice.

“I stayed on top of my studies by really making the most of organisational tools such as my calendar and notes app. Also, writing things down. Life becomes so much easier when you have a plan; the same applies to your studies. I also utilised university support from my Personal Academic Tutor (PAT) and my lecturers.”

What I enjoyed learning about the most

“I really enjoyed the Digital and Social Media Marketing module because my interests strongly lie in digital and social media, so learning was fun. It also entailed beneficial knowledge for my business external to the university, keeping me engaged. The lecturer for this module also made it a pleasure to listen and learn. She was kind, enthusiastic and encouraging. Qualities that can’t be faked.”

New experiences and skills gained

“A skill I have gained is conducting higher education-level research. There is still progress to be made but I have improved a large amount in my first year. Research is a task I’ve never enjoyed doing, but as the saying goes, practice makes perfect, and the more I’ve done it, the better I’ve become.”

Working through assessments and essays

“I had both an exam and coursework at the end of the first year. My lecturers were very supportive. I would book consultations with my lecturers remotely to discuss assignment pain points and they would provide support by answering the questions I had and lucidly re-explaining areas I found challenging. The lecturers also provide supportive resources on the module area for the entire class which is always beneficial.”

Overview of my first year

“It has been a pleasure attending the University of Brighton and meeting so many amazing people- students and staff. The network I have made, the foundations I have laid and the memories I have made are ones I am proud of, to say the least.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed learning more about marketing management and challenging myself further than I could’ve imagined.”

Plans for the summer break

“I will be working with an international school in Brighton as a Residential Advisor which I am really looking forward to as it will allow me to live in Brighton for a few months and explore more. This job will also equip me with experience for my Student Residential Advisor role at the university in September. After my job period, I want to go on a nice staycation; the plan isn’t concrete yet.”

Second year, I can’t wait to meet you!

“I’m looking forward to meeting new people- students and staff, exploring Brighton more, exploring more societies and meeting the new first-year marketing management cohort. I am also looking forward to expanding my marketing knowledge bank.”

For anyone thinking about going to university…

“My first advice for anyone thinking about studying marketing management would be to create a LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn is a great networking app which you will use a lot whilst studying at Brighton. Almost every lecturer is on it, and you can connect with marketing alumni, current students or even your course mates.

“My second piece of advice would be to always ask questions. It’s a bit of a running joke amongst my class that they can guarantee I’ll always ask a question. And they’re right! There is no such thing as a silly question, especially if the answer to that question is the difference between understanding something or misunderstanding it. Never feel afraid to raise your hand or reach out to a lecture after class or via email. That’s their job, and they’d love nothing more than for you to quiz them.”

Interested in studying Marketing Management at Brighton – find out more about our undergraduate degrees on our website.


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Christina Camm • June 20, 2024

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